Samsung Interview | Set 2 (Software Engineering Lab)

First of all I would like to thanks w3wiki for such a good website.

Round 1 (Written Test)
1. GSAT(Global Samsung Aptitude Test)
2. 30 Question 30 min. with -ve marking* (20 Q. from. C,C++ n D.S. and 5 from O.S. and 5 from database and Network,microprocessor)

Some question which i remember…..

1. what is the output of following

int main(void){
            int i=1, j;
            case 1:
            case j;

2. how hexadecimal no 1234 store in big endian form there are four option …….

3. how many queue required for implement stack.

4. what thread does not share……
a. data
b. stack
c. code
d. message queue

5. what protocol required for e-mail transfer……….there are four option

6. what is the complexity of code

int f(int n) {
  if(!n) return 1;
  return n*f(n-1);

7. A process call fork() system call n times than how many new process created(2^n-1).

8. which is not used for sorting link list..
a.quick sort
b.merge sort
c.heap sort
d.All of these can not be used

9. due to priority of process what type of problem occurs in priority scheduling..

10. what is output of the program.

char a[] = "hello";
char b[] = "hello\0";
   printf("string is same");
   printf("not same");

11. which data structure is used to check for whether expression is balance or not..

12. which data structure used for recursive function..

13. what is output of code

int fun(){
  static int i;
  return i++;
  int i;
    printf("%d ",fun());

a.1 1 1 1 1
b.1 2 3 4 5
c.0 1 2 3 4
d.5 5 5 5 5

14. one question on the definition of object..

15. if time slice is greater than the execution time of largest execution time process than round robin acts as…

16. if derived class has same name function as base class than it is called..

17. suppose a process have to need some I?O event than CPU has to wait what is event to over come this problem(multi programming)..

18. what is complexity of merge sort in worst case..

19. which has greatest space complexity ..
a. quick sort b. selection c. merge sort d. radix sort

Technical Interview :-
1. how to find your system is big endian or not.

2. write the code of heap sort and complexity in different cast.

3. insertion and deletion in min heap and max heap..

4. write the code of quick sort and explain your code with an example

5. iterative implementation of inorder,preorder and postorder

7. he wrote an example of multilevel inheritance and ask in what order destructor called and why?

8. what is virtual function.

9. what is encapsulation explain and how it is achieved and give real life example…..

10. he drew a stack elements are (top to bottom) 8 3 2 1 4
write a recursive function to print 4 1 2 3 8

11. Advantages of C over C++.

12. what is function pointer how to use it……

13. what is structure padding why it is occurred.

14. how to do this A programe’s variable can not used by another program


char *p="SAMSUNG"
char p[]="SAMSUNG"

what is difference b/w them
16. implement stack using Link list and performe push() and pop() operation..

20. advantages of linkedlist over array.

22. what is multi programming

23. what is page fault and why it occur..

24. what is virtual memory.

25. about the page replacement Algorithm LRU

26. what is Inter process communication ,types and which one is fast and why?

27. what is fragmentation …..brief discussion on external fragmentation..

28. one simple question from network and 1 from DBMS

HR Interview :-

1. find the largest and second largest element in array give 4 different approach
2. tell me about yourself?
3. why do you want to join samsung?
4. what do you know about samsung?

and finally after 2 hour got placed in SRI NOIDA………… ?

Many Many congratulations to the author.

All Practice Problems for Samsung !

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