Sodium Dichromate Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Sodium dichromate is the principal raw material for chromium compounds, which are used in leather tanning, metal treatment, drilling muds, textile colors, catalysts, and wood and water treatment, among other applications.

What is Sodium Dichromate?

Sodium dichromate, Na2Cr2O7 is an orangish red crystalline,  inorganic compound which radiates harmful chromium vapors on warming. Sodium dichromate is profoundly destructive in nature and is a powerful oxidizing agent. 

This substance is normally used to produce other chromium compounds. Sodium Dichromate is otherwise called bichromate of soda, disodium dichromate, or sodium dichromate (VI).

Structure of Sodium Dichromate:

Sodium Dichromate Structure

Preparation of Sodium Dichromate:

  • For a bigger scope, sodium dichromate is acquired from metal ores that contain chromium (III) oxides. The reaction is carried out at a temperature of 1000° C, in the presence of oxygen.

2Cr2O2+ 4Na2CO  + 3O2 ⇢ 4Na2CrO4 + 4CO2

  • The reaction is further carried out as follows:

2Na2CrO4 + 4CO2 + H2O ⇢ Na2CrO7 + 2NaHCO3

2Na2CrO4 + H2SO4 ⇢ Na2Cr2O7 + Na2SO4 + H2O

Utilizing the course of crystallization, dichromate is separated as a dihydrate.

Properties of Sodium Dichromate

Physical Properties of Sodium Dichromate

  • Sodium Dichromate has a molecular weight of 262 g/mol.
  • Density is equal to 2.52g/cm3.
  • The boiling point of Sodium  Dichromate is 400° C.
  • Sodium  Dichromate is odorless. 
  • Sodium Dichromate has a refractive index of 1.66.
  • The formula of Sodium Dichromate is Na2Cr2O7.

Chemical Properties of Sodium Dichromate

  • Dichromate salts are good oxidizing agents.
  • A violent exothermic reaction takes place when dichromate and sulfuric acid and organic residue are mixed together and this reaction is popularly known as  “chromic acid mixture”.

Uses of Sodium Dichromate

  1. Sodium dichromate is an essential material in the assembling of chromium synthetics.
  2. Utilized in petroleum refining.
  3. Utilized in water treatment.
  4. Utilized as an oxidizing agent in the assembling of synthetic chemicals.
  5. Utilized in calfskin tanning.
  6. The major use of Sodium Dichromate is as a catalyst.
  7. Utilized as an insect spray and fungicide.
  8. Utilized in Colorimetry trial to decide the sum to copper present.
  9. Utilized to create shaded glass and ceramic frosting.
  10. Utilized in making inorganic chromate shades that can deliver light-stable tones.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What is the structure of Sodium Dichromate?


The structure of Sodium Dichromate is as follows:

Structure of Sodium Dichromate.

Question 2: List a few uses of Sodium Dichromate?


Uses of Sodium Dichromate are as follows:

  • Sodium dichromate is an essential material in the assembling of chromium synthetics.
  • Utilized in petroleum refining.
  • Utilized in water treatment.
  • Utilized as an oxidizing agent in the assembling of  synthetic chemicals.
  • Utilized in calfskin tanning.
  • Major use of Sodium Dichromate is as a catalyst.

Question 3: List a few properties of Sodium Cyanide?


Physical Properties of Sodium Dichromate are,

  • Sodium Dichromate has a molecular weight of 262 g/mol.
  • Density is equal to 2.52g/cm3.
  • The boiling point of Sodium  Dichromate is 400° C.
  • Sodium  Dichromate is odorless. 
  • Sodium Dichromate has a refractive index of 1.66.
  • The formula of Sodium Dichromate is Na2Cr2O7.

Question 4: Mention the health hazards caused due to Sodium Dichromate?


Gulping of Sodium Dichromate leads to diarrhea, and spewing. Breathing of residue or fog of Sodium dichromate (VI) causes respiratory disturbance which looks like asthma and nasal septal perforation might happen. 

Question 5: Describe Sodium Dichromate?


Sodium dichromate, Na2Cr2O7 is an orangish red crystalline,  inorganic compound which radiates harmful chromium vapors on warming. Sodium dichromate is profoundly destructive in nature and is a powerful oxidizing agent.

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