Sodium Cyanide Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Sodium is a very soft metal and when it is exposed to the atmosphere it tarnishes instantly. In addition to this sodium reacts vigorously with water(H2O) forming a characteristic orange fume. Due to the vigorous nature of sodium, it is never found in a metallic state in nature. The only stable isotope of Sodium is 23Na. Sodium metal is obtained by the electrolysis of dry sodium chloride(NaCl). China is one of the leading producers of sodium.

What is Sodium Cyanide?

Sodium Cyanide is a highly toxic ,water soluble solid.It is also known as Cyanogran or Cyanobrik.It is generally utilized as a test reagent for legitimate working of chemoreceptors and in industrial cycles. It is generally white in colour and having sodium and cyanide ions.

Structure of Sodium Cyanide:

Sodium Cyanide Structure

Preparation of Sodium Cyanide:

  • Sodium cyanide is prepared by the reaction of hydrogen cyanide with sodium hydroxide. And the reaction is as follows:

HCN + NaOH → NaCN + H2O

Properties of Sodium Cyanide

Physical Properties of Sodium Cyanide:

  • Sodium Cyanide has a molecular weight of 46 g/mol
  • Density is equal to 1.88g/dm3.
  • The boiling point of Sodium Cyanide is 21.15° C.
  • Sodium Cyanide smells like faint Almond.
  • Sodium Cyanide has a refractive index of 1.45.
  • The formula of Sodium Cyanide is NaCN.

Chemical properties of Sodium Cyanide:

  • Sodium cyanide is the salt of a weak acid, namely hydrogen cyanide, HCN.
  • Sodium cyanide is easily hydrolyzed by water to form the highly toxic HCN gas.
  • Solid Sodium Cyanide can ingest water from the environment and begin delivering hydrogen cyanide gas, making it profoundly hazardous.
  • Sodium Cyanide also readily reacts with water and forms dangerous HCN gas.

NaCN + HCl→ HCN + NaCl

Uses of Sodium Cyanide:

  • Utilized in farming synthetic compounds.
  • Utilized in the production of colors.
  • Utilized in the mining factories.
  • Utilized in cleaning metals.
  • Used to synthesize nitriles.
  • Utilized in the creation of electroplating arrangement.
  • Sodium cyanide is utilized in the extraction of gold.

Sample Questions

Question 1: Describe the health hazards caused due to sodium Cyanide?


Sodium Cyanide is incredibly poisonous. Safe measure of oral  fatal dose in people is viewed as under 5 mg/kg for a 70 kg individual. This compound is lethal when inhaled or assimilated through the skin, or gulped. Touch with it can cause burns in eyes and skin. 

Question 2: How is gold extracted using Sodium Cyanide?


The rich affinity of gold  for cyanide initiates gold metal to oxidize and disintegrate within the presence of oxygen and water, delivering the salt sodium gold cyanide and sodium hydroxide.

4Au + 8NaCN + O2 + 2 H2O → 4 Na[Au(CN)2] + 4 NaOH.

Question 3: List a few uses of Sodium Cyanide?


Uses of Sodium Cyanide are:

  • Utilized in farming synthetic compounds.
  • Utilized in the production of colors.
  • Utilized in the mining factories.
  • Utilized in cleaning metals.
  • Used to synthesize nitriles.

Question 4: Write about the preparation of Sodium Cyanide?


Sodium cyanide is prepared by the reaction of  hydrogen cyanide with sodium hydroxide. And the reaction is as follows:

HCN + NaOH → NaCN + H2O

Question 5: Write the structure of Sodium Cyanide and identify cation and anion?


Structure of Sodium Cyanide


  • Cation: Na+
  • Anion: CN–  

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