Sodium Bromide Formula

Answer: The chemical formula for Sodium Bromide is NaBr.

Sodium bromide consists of two elements Na (Sodium) and Br (Bromide). Sodium has the symbol  Na. Sodium’s atomic number is 11. It is present in group 1 of the periodic table. Sodium is an Alkali metal. It is not freely available in nature like other elements it has to be prepared from various compounds to become Sodium. It has light whitish and light silver mixed color. It is highly reactive with water and if a huge amount of sodium is dropped into the water it causes fire and blast.

However, Bromide is represented by the symbol Br. Bromide is present in the halogens group on the periodic table. A bromide ion is a negatively charged ion so, it is represented by the symbol Br. It is mostly considered a liquid instead considering of a gaseous element even though it vaporizes fastly when exposed to air. Bromide’s atomic number is 35. 

What is Sodium Bromide?

Sodium Bromide is an inorganic compound because it mostly doesn’t contain any carbon atoms like organic compounds. So, it is considered an inorganic compound. Sodium Bromide is a white-colored crystal powder that has a small amount of pungent (or) salty and bitter taste. 

The chemical formula for sodium bromide is “NaBr“. It has a similar smell to sulfur dioxide. It is also called “Sedoneural”. It is not found as strong natural solid material because of its dissolvability. It is produced by separating elements from sea and ocean water along with other types of elements like chlorides, iodides, and halites. Sodium bromide has anticonvulsant properties.

Structure of Sodium Bromide

Sodium bromide is represented by the chemical formula NaBr. It is formed by one positively charged particle(cation) of sodium Na+ and one negatively charged particle anion of bromide Br which are joined through the ionic bond. It has a molar mass of 102.89 g mol-1.

Structure of Sodium Bromide

Physical Properties of Sodium Bromide

  • Sodium bromide is a white and silver mixed-colored element.
  • Sodium bromide is a crystalline solid.
  • Its boiling point is 1390°C and its melting point is 755°C.
  • The sodium bromide pH value is between 6.5 to 8.0.
  • Sodium bromide is easily soluble in water.
  • It has a cubic crystal structure.
  • It has a thermal conductivity of 5.6 W/m·K (150 K).

Chemical Properties of Sodium Bromide

  • Sodium bromide when reacting with silver nitrate solution forms silver bromide and sodium nitrate. 

AgNO3 + NaBr   →   AgBr + NaNO3

In a solution, the silver radical becomes sufficiently reactive to displace the sodium ion and return to its original state. Because sodium is a reactive metal ion, it reacts with the nitrate radical to generate sodium nitrate. As the oxidation number of sodium changes, once again a redox process occurs.

  • Sodium bromide when reacts with sulphuric acid forms sodium sulfate and hydrogen bromide.

NaBr + H2SO4 → NaHSO4 + HBr

In this reaction, the sulphuric acid attacks the sodium bromide ion’s at the most electronegative part, where the hydrogen atom is attached to it. As a result, one sulphuric acid hydrogen atom bonds to the sodium ion, reducing the oxidation state of the sodium ion. We can clearly see that a redox reaction is occurring, which is one of sodium bromide’s chemical properties that is frequently employed in its applications.

Uses of Sodium Bromide

  • Sodium bromide is used as sedative-like other bromide in the periodic table.
  • Due to the usage of bromine, is used because of its germicidal properties.
  • Sodium bromide is also used as an antiseptic, detergent, and as reagent in pharmaceutical preparations. 
  • Sodium bromide is widely used as an anticonvulsant.
  • Sodium bromide is nowadays mostly used in oil and gas drilling industries.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What is the state of Sodium Bromide?


Sodium bromide is a light whitish and silver coloured solid material. It is present in solid-state. It produces bromine gas when heated because bromide as an individual particle is in a liquid state but it evaporates fastly like all other gases but that doesn’t make the combined sodium bromide a gaseous stated material, still it is solid-state.

Question 2: What are the health hazards of Sodium bromide?


Sodium bromide cause skin rashes and high blood levels of bromides may cause serious neurologic and psychologic disturbances. A great danger of toxicity in patients on low salt diets. Sodium bromide is moderately toxic by ingestion and can affect the gastrointestinal and central nervous systems.

Question 3: What is sodium bromide used for?


Sodium bromide, also known as Sedoneural, can be used as a hypnotic, anticonvulsant, and as sedative. In the field of medicine, it is widely used as an anticonvulsant and a sedative in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Question 4: Is sodium bromide covalent or ionic?


Sodium bromide is an ionically bonded compound. The electronegativity of bromine is high enough and the electromagnetic force between the Br and the Na atoms is great enough that an electron is transferred from the Na atom to the Br atom. Therefore, bromine becomes negatively charged and sodium becomes positively charged.

Question 5: What is the chemical formula of sodium bromide?


Sodium bromide chemical formula is NaBr. It is formed by one cation of sodium(Na) and one anion of bromide.

Question 6: Why is sodium when reacted with water cause fire?


Sodium metal individually causes rapid hydrogen gas which then leads to fire and explosion. So, care should be taken while handling sodium along with water. we should not even touch sodium with our bare hands, it causes burns because our fingers have a small layer of water on the skin.

Question 7: What are the uses of sodium bromide?


Sodium bromide is widely used as an anticonvulsant. It is also nowadays mostly used in oil and gas drilling industries.

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