Sniffing using bettercap in Linux

Sniffing is the process of capturing and monitoring data packets that are passed through the network. It is used to capture the data of the victim and bettercap is a powerful tool used to perform various MITM(man in the middle) attacks on a network. Also, ARP Spoofing is a type of attack in which an attacker sends false ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) messages over a LAN(local area network). 

Prerequisites: Kali Linux, laptop or computer with WIFI modem, and bettercap installed in it.

Note: You need to be connected with the network on which you want to sniff. Type these all command on the terminal

Approach for Sniffing using Bettercap

Step 1: Selecting the interface of wlan0 i.e Wi-Fi. You can also try it with LAN (local area network ), It will work the same as with Wi-Fi. -iface command is used for selecting the interface. You can use the command ifconfig to get all the interfaces for example if you are connected with an eth0 you need to type bettercap -iface eth0 to get into the bettercap interface.

bettercap  -iface wlan0

Step 2: To show all the devices that are connected to the same network with their IP, MAC, Name, etc. Now we need to copy the IP address of the devices on which we want to sniff.

Step 3: This will provide you with the Modules of bettercap with their status ( i.e running or not running )


Step 4: This will send various probe packets to each IP in order and in the present subnet so that net.recon module may detect them with ease.

net.probe on

Step 5: In order to attack both the targets and the gateway, we will have to set arp.spoof.fullduplex to true.

set arp.spoof.fullduplex true

Step 6: Set the target to the IP you can add any number of IPs here by using “,”. For example ,

set arp.spoof.targets address of the target Device)

Step 7: Start the ARP spoofer 

set arp.spoof on

Step 8: Setting it to true will consider packets from/to this computer, otherwise it will skip them. As we are MITM (man in the middle) that means all the data is transferring from our computer

set net.sniff.local true

Step 9: Turning on the sniffing and catching the packets.

net.sniff on

Note: After these all steps you can get the data of the targets only for the unsecured sites like the sites with the “http” for the https and the hsts there are some more steps involved in it. For now, you can get all the data entered by the target on the unsecured sites even the passwords. Just perform these steps on the website after signing off a written agreement with the owner of the website.

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