Snapdeal Interview Experience | Set 4 (On Campus)

Hi, Recently Snapdeal visited my campus and I got an offer from Snapdeal,here is my interview experience:

Round 2:(45 min.)
F2F Technical Interview 1:
1) Largest contiguous subarray sum in an array containing both positive and negative numbers.
2) Merge two sorted arrays of integers.
3) Merge Sort for integer array.
4) Counting Sort.
5) Given 100 weights having weights 1,2,3,4—-100 and also given a number K.
You have to choose the minimum number of weights such That you can measure each quantity from 1 to K.
6) 3 couples crossing the river puzzle with many more constraints.

Round 2: (1 hr 45 min.)
F2F Technical Interview 2:
1) Tell me about yourself.
2) Difference between Process and Thread.
3) Find 3 elements in an array having sum K.(different approaches)
4) Implement stack using Queue. I gave him 2 queues solution.he said do it using 1 queue only.Lot of discussion
on it ,Different approaches
5) Given an array having 0,1,2 only sort it.Different approaches.
6) What is cascading effect.
7) How many permutions are there for a string.
8) Mathematical proof for the above question.
9) Print all the permutations of string.Also dry run on given test case.
10) Binary tree to DLL.
Round 3: (20-25 min.)
F2F HR Interview:
Basic behavioral questions and Some situational questions.

I would like to thank w3wiki which helped me to improve my knowledge and understanding of Data structures and Algorithms ?

All Practice Problems for Snapdeal !

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