Snapdeal Interview Experience for React developer

I applied in Snapdeal through job portal. Currently I am working as a Web developer and I got the call from Snapdeal for the face to face round. I had only 8 months of industrial experience as a developer.  I did certification from Udemy in Node and React then updated my CV and applied there. I was also doing practice side by side. When I went for the interview, I was called for the face to face directly.

The interviewer was very nice to me and firstly he asked about my introduction and about my experience. I gave that and after that he asked about my project on react, there I mentioned about my mini project (I was new in React). Later he didn’t ask about project and after looking at my CV the first question he gave to me is to solve an array.

He gave me circular array list where he gave me the challenge to find a specific element from an array and if it matches or found then I need to print the index of that specific element.

He was observing my problem solving skill also he tried to help me solving the question. I asked some question for clarification and later I told him about my approach. Firstly I explained about the algorithm for searching using linear search and Binary Search both. He was quite convinced and then I explained him about the Brute Force Algorithm, how we can apply in that given scenario. When he was convinced with my solution, he asked me to write the program for the solution which I presented in front of him. He was trying to observe everything, my logical ability, all the case scenario which I considered. I tried to wrote that in Php (I have experience in php and I was much more comfortable in that) and there I was failed because he asked me to write the program in javascript. When I started writing, he tried to break my algorithm taking different input like what if array contains even number of elements then how we can break the array in two parts and apply binary search, what if odd number of elements are there. He gave me different scenario and I also tried my best to provide the algorithm. Then he asked about the complexity of algorithm and there I was stuck.

He gave the solution of complexity O(logn). My algorithm got failed when he rotated the array(he has already mentioned that array is sorted and circular) because then if you apply binary search and divide the whole array in two equal parts for searching then you can not compare the middle element with later half. The later half can also contain smaller element if you compare that with middle element. He also asked about the typeof operator in javascript.

I was rejected in the interview and the reason I was told that, I was failed in considering the whole case scenario also they needed experienced and very comfortable javascript programmer.

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