Size and Location of India

India often called Bharat or Hindustan, is one of the most culturally rich and influential countries in Asia. It lies in the northern hemisphere, centrally located amidst eastern and western Asia. The country is located north of the equator between 84′ N to 37°6′ N latitude and 68°7′ E to 97°25′ E longitude. The total size and geographical area of India stands at 3,287,263 square kilometers.


Location of India

India is an extensive country as well as the 7th largest country in the world. It’s lying completely in the northern hemisphere. The mainland expands between latitude (84′ N and 37°6′ N) and longitude (68°7’E and 97°25’E) and the tropic of cancer (23°30’N) cleft the country into nearly two equal parts to the southeast and southwest of the mainland, lies in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Lakshadweep Islands in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. 


The southernmost point of the Indian Union – Indira point got submerged under seawater in 2004 during the tsunami. The mainland of India is wide from Kashmir in the north to Kanyakumari in the south and Arunachal Pradesh in the east to Gujarat in the west. India’s territorial limit further extends towards the sea up to 12 nautical miles (about 21.9 km) from the coast. When we talk about the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India, they are roughly about 30 degrees. Whereas the actual distance measured from north to south extremity is 3,214 km and that from east to west is only 2,933 km. from the values of Latitudes, it is understood as-

  • The southern parts of the countries lie within the tropics.
  • The northern part lies in the subtropical zone or the warm temperature zone.

Time Difference

From the values of longitude, it is quite discernible that there is a variation of nearly 30 degrees. it causes a time difference of nearly two hours between the easternmost and the westernmost parts of our country.

Concept of IST and GMT

  • IST stands for Indian Standard Time. It is based on longitude 82.5° which passes through Mirzapur near Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh.
  • GMT stands for Greenwich meantime. The world clock works on basis of Greenwich meantime. It passes from London and is set according to meantime.

Size of India

The landmass of India has an area of 3.28 million sq. km and it equals 2.4% area of the world making the India 7th largest country. But before India, there are 6 more largest countries – Russia, Canada, U.S.A, China, Brazil and last one in Australia. 

Here are some points and features related to the Size of India:

  • India’s border length is 15,200 km and the coastline is 7,516.6 km from the beginning of India north to the northeast there are many largest mountains called the Himalayas.
  • India is bounded by young fold mountains in the northwest, north, and northeast. South of around 22° north latitude, begins to taper and extends to the Indian Ocean, dividing it into two seas, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.
  • In the south, there is an Indian ocean if we talk about the mainland of India from north to south there is a gap between 3214 km and if we talk about east to west between gap is 2933 km that why due to this gap from Arunachal Pradesh to Gujarat there is a time lag of two hours.
  • In Arunachal Pradesh sunrise is two hours early in the morning so, that we all India follow the Standard Meridian of India which can maintain the same timings for all of India, and the Standard Meridian of India across through Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh. Indian Standard Time is along longitude 82.30°E.
  • The latitudinal extent influences the duration of the day and night, as one move from south to north.

India and the World

India is situated between East and West Asia; which gives it a very strategic location advantage for both water and land. India is basically a southward extension of the Asian continent. Trans- Indian ocean routes are connected to South East Asia, Eastern countries, Africa, Europe, and countries in the West.

The coastline of India is long and has added to its connection with the world through seaways. India’s strategic location in Asia helped it develop trade and contribute to world trade. The exchange of goods, services, and epistemologies has been possible through the sea routes. Commodities and spices were also exported. Trade routes have played a significant role in the trade, intellectual, trade, and architectural developments of India. The Deccan peninsula and various passes across mountains in the north have provided passages since ancient times for interactions with the Indian subcontinent and other countries.

India’s Neighbors

India occupies a place of importance in South Asia and has 28 States and 8 Union Territories. The boundary of India is shared with Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and China. Maldives and Sri Lanka are the southern neighbors across the sea consisting of two island countries. Sri Lanka and India are separated by Pak Strait, a narrow strip of sea. They are the important neighbors of India.

FAQs on Size and Location of India

Question 1: What is the size of India?


The Size of India is 3.287 million square kilometers.

Question 2: What is the location of India?


The country is located to north of equator between 84′ N to 37°6′ N latitude and 68°7′ E to 97°25′ E longitude. 

Question 3: Why is the location of India strategically important?


Located at a strategic location of trans-Indian ocean routes which connect European countries in the West and East Asian countries.

Question 4: Name the seven largest countries in the world.


The seven largest countries in the world are: Russia, Canada, U.S.A, China, Brazil, Australia and India.

Question 5: What are the two benefits of the coastline of India?


The two important benefits of coastline of India is for trade and irrigation.

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