Single.IsNaN() Method in C# with Examples

In C#, Single.IsNaN(Single) is a Single struct method. This method is used to check whether the specified floating-point value is not a number (NaN).

Syntax: public static bool IsNaN (float f);

f: It is a single-precision floating-point number of type System.Single.

Return Type: This function returns a boolean value i.e. True, if specified value is not a number(NaN), otherwise returns False.


// C# program to demonstrate
// Single.IsNaN(Single) method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        // first example
        float f1 = 1.0f / 0.0f;
        bool res = Single.IsNaN(f1);
        // printing the output
        if (res)
            Console.WriteLine(f1 + " is NaN");
            Console.WriteLine(f1 + " is not NaN");
        // second example
        // it will give result
        // NaN
        float f2 = 0.0f / 0.0f;
        bool res1 = Single.IsNaN(f2);
        // printing the output
        if (res1)
            Console.WriteLine(f2 + " is NaN");
            Console.WriteLine(f2 + " is not NaN");


Infinity is not NaN
NaN is NaN


  • This method returns false if a Single value is either PositiveInfinity or NegativeInfinity.
  • Floating point operation returns a NaN to show that the result of the operation is undefined.



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