Signal to Noise Ratio Formula

Signal to noise ratio helps compute the value of a signal-to-noise, which informs us about the signal’s quality. It is abbreviated as S/N or SNR. It is noteworthy that such a ratio is a qualitative measure. The formula calculates the ratio of the intensity of the received signal to the strength of the disturbance in the transmitter.

It is often used to determine the quality of transmission. Simply put, it is the light signal to noise signal ratio. Often stated in decibels, a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 1:1 or more than 0 dB implies that the signal is stronger than the noise.

Table of Content

  • What is Signal to Noise Ratio
  • Signal to Noise Ratio Formula
  • Why is Signal to Noise Ratio Important?
  • Some Basics of Signal to Noise Ratio Calculations
  • Properties of SNR
  • How to Calculate Signal to Noise Ratio?
  • Sample Problems

What is Signal to Noise Ratio?

SNR, or signal-to-noise ratio, basically tells you how clear a signal is. Think of it like a conversation. You’re the signal, trying to get your message across. The noise is everything else going on around you, making it hard to hear. A high SNR means your message is loud and clear compared to the background noise. We use SNR in science and engineering, often measured in decibels (dB). In simpler terms, imagine talking to someone in a room. A quiet room with few people means high SNR – easy conversation. But a loud, crowded room makes understanding difficult – that’s low SNR.

Signal to Noise Ratio Formula


SNR = Psignal/Pnoise = µ/σ


  • Psignal denotes the signal’s power, the population mean
  • Pnoise denotes the power of noise, the standard deviation of data

Why is Signal to Noise Ratio Important?

In the previous comparison, we gained insight into what defines unwanted signals or noise. Imagine trying to communicate with someone amid a lot of interference—it’d be tough, right? This situation highlights a signal-to-noise problem, where the ratio isn’t up to par.

Now, picture this: you need to receive critical data with minimal errors, but there’s a lot of other signals causing disruption. Deciphering the important signal becomes a daunting task for the receiver. This emphasizes the importance of a high signal-to-noise ratio. In some cases, it could mean the difference between a device working properly or not, affecting performance between sender and receiver.

In wireless tech, a device’s ability to distinguish between actual signals and background noise is crucial. This is what the SNR standards aim to define and ensure proper wireless functionality.

Some Basics of Signal to Noise Ratio Calculations

Imagine you’re trying to listen to your favorite song on the radio, but there’s static in the background. That static is the noise floor, unwanted interference from other signals. SNR, or signal-to-noise ratio, tells you how strong the song (signal) is compared to the static (noise). The higher the SNR, the clearer the song sounds.

We measure SNR in decibels (dB). Let’s say your radio picks up the song at -65 dBm (decibel-milliwatts) and the static is at -80 dBm. The difference, 15 dB, is your SNR. In the world of Wi-Fi, experts recommend an SNR of at least 20 dB for smooth web browsing. Here’s a breakdown of what different SNR values mean for your connection:

  • Below 10 dB: Basically unusable, the noise overpowers the signal.
  • 10 dB to 15 dB: Barely there, connection might drop frequently.
  • 15 dB to 25 dB: Not great, but you might be able to browse slowly.
  • 25 dB to 40 dB: Good connection, reliable for most things.
  • 41 dB or higher: Excellent connection, perfect for streaming and gaming.

While SNR is often used for electrical signals, it can apply to anything with a signal and background noise. For example, scientists use it to measure chemical signals in cells or the clarity of sound in music players. The key difference is that audio SNR is always positive. An SNR of 95 dB means the music is 95 dB stronger than the noise, which sounds much better than 80 dB.

Properties of SNR

  1. Measure of Quality: SNR is a key metric for assessing the quality of a signal in relation to background noise. A higher SNR indicates a better-quality signal with less interference from noise.
  2. Dimensionless Quantity: SNR is expressed as a ratio of signal power to noise power, making it a dimensionless quantity. It is typically represented in decibels (dB) for convenience.
  3. Non-negative Value: SNR values are non-negative, as the signal power must always be greater than or equal to the noise power for a meaningful comparison.
  4. Dependence on Signal Strength: SNR depends on the strength or amplitude of the signal of interest. A stronger signal relative to the noise results in a higher SNR, indicating better signal quality.
  5. Influence on Performance: SNR directly influences the performance of communication systems and signal processing applications. Higher SNR leads to better reception quality, improved accuracy in measurements, and increased data transmission rates.
  6. Effect on Detection Threshold: In detection and estimation tasks, SNR determines the threshold for reliably detecting and distinguishing the signal from noise. Higher SNR values allow for lower detection thresholds, improving the system’s sensitivity.
  7. Trade-off with Bandwidth: SNR is often considered alongside bandwidth in communication systems. Increasing bandwidth can improve SNR by allowing more signal power to be transmitted, but it can also increase noise, leading to a trade-off between bandwidth and SNR.

How to Calculate Signal to Noise Ratio?

Finding SNR can be easy or tricky, depending on what you’re working with. If your signal and noise are already in decibels (dB), you can simply subtract the noise from the signal strength. Think of it like subtracting points – the bigger the difference, the higher the SNR.

For more complex situations, we use a formula. We take the signal strength, divide it by the noise, and then put that result into a calculator function (written as “log”). Finally, depending on whether we’re measuring power or voltage, we multiply by 10 or 20. The answer will still be in decibels (dB).

Imagine the signal strength is 300 millivolts (a strong signal) and the noise is 2 microvolts (very weak). Using the formula for voltage (multiply by 10 after the log), the SNR would be around 62 dB, indicating a clear signal.

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Sample Problems

Question 1: Find the SNR of the data set: 1, 4, 7, 8, 10.


Mean = µ = (1+4+7+8+10)/5

= 30/5

= 6

Standard Deviation, σ = √((1 – 6)2 + (4 – 6)2 + (7 – 6)2 + (8 – 6)2 + (10 – 6)2)/5

= √((25 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 16)/5)

= √(50/5)

= 3.16

SNR = µ/σ

= 6/3.16

SNR = 1.89

Question 2: Find the SNR of the following data set: 5, 9, 4, 2, 12.


Mean = µ = (5+9+4+2+12)/5

= 6.4

Standard Deviation, σ = √((5 – 6.4)2 + (9 – 6.4)2 + (4 – 6.4)2 + (2 – 6.4)2 + (12 – 6.4)2)/5

= √((1.96 + 6.76 + 5.76 + 19.36 + 31.36)/5)

= √(65.2/5)

= 3.61

SNR = µ/σ

= 6.4/3.61

SNR = 1.77

Question 3: Find the SNR for the following data: 6, 24, 6, 14, 10.


Mean = µ = (6+24+6+14+10)/5

= 60/5

= 12

Standard Deviation, σ = √((6 – 12)2 + (24 – 12)2 + (6 – 12)2 + (14 – 12)2 + (10 – 12)2)/5

= √(36 + 144 + 36 + 4 + 4)/5)

= √(224/5)

= 6.69

SNR = µ/σ

= 12/6.69

SNR = 1.79

Question 4: What would be the standard deviation of the data if the mean is 45 and SNR is 39.5?


Given: µ = 45 and SNR = 1.139

Since, SNR = µ/σ

⇒ σ = µ/SNR

= 45/1.139

σ = 39.5

Question 5: Find the standard deviation of the data if the mean is 28 and SNR is 4.


Given: µ = 28 and SNR = 4

Since, SNR = µ/σ

⇒ σ = µ/SNR

= 28/4

σ = 7

Signal to Noise Ratio- FAQs

What is Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)?

SNR is a measure used in science and engineering to quantify the level of a desired signal compared to the level of background noise. It’s commonly used in fields like telecommunications, electronics, and audio engineering.

What does a high SNR value indicate?

A high SNR value indicates that the signal is stronger compared to the noise, suggesting better quality or clarity of the signal. In practical terms, this means that the desired signal is more easily distinguishable from the background noise.

How does SNR affect communication systems?

In communication systems, a higher SNR generally leads to better reception quality and fewer errors in data transmission. It’s a critical parameter in designing and optimizing communication networks and systems.

What factors can affect SNR?

SNR can be affected by various factors including electronic noise, interference from other signals, attenuation during transmission, and environmental conditions. Improper equipment design or setup can also degrade SNR.

Is there a minimum SNR required for reliable communication?

Yes, the minimum required SNR depends on the specific application and the type of signal being transmitted. In digital communication systems, there’s often a threshold SNR below which reliable data transmission becomes challenging or impossible.

Can SNR be improved?

Yes, SNR can be improved through various means such as using better quality equipment, reducing sources of noise, employing signal processing techniques like filtering, and optimizing transmission conditions.

How is SNR used in audio applications?

In audio applications, SNR is used to measure the quality of sound reproduction. A higher SNR indicates clearer audio with less background noise, which is desirable in scenarios like recording studios, music production, and telecommunications.

Are there different variations of SNR formula for specific applications?

Yes, depending on the context, there might be variations or extensions of the basic SNR formula to account for specific factors or requirements of the application. For example, in wireless communications, SNR might be adjusted to consider factors like fading and multipath interference.

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