Siemens PLM Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Siemens PLM visited our college in the second week of August 2022. The whole process was completed virtually.

Role: Software Developer
Pointer criteria: 7+
Branches Allowed: CS, IT, EXTC, Electronics, Electrical.

Round 1: Online Test (Aptitude): Difficulty level: Medium. It had MCQ questions related to quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning, and C and C++ language coding questions. The coding questions were a bit difficult. There were 29 questions. Each question had marks allocated ranging from 2-6. The duration was for 1.5 hours. There was no sectional time limit or sectional cut-off. After this round, 17 students were shortlisted for the interview rounds.

Round 2: Technical Round 1: The interview began with the standard question “Introduce yourself”. He then asked me about one of my projects related to Machine Learning. I explained to him the entire project. Then he cross-questioned me on my project. After this, they asked me which language I prefer. I said C++. He asked me if I knew oops. I said yes.

  • He asked me about the features of oops. I explained to him the four pillars encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. He was more interested in knowing how I have used oops practically before. He was satisfied with my answers.
  • He asked me to write a program for function overloading, one function should have int parameters and the other should have double.
  • Then he asked me to write a code to find the number of times we can subtract 5 from any number for eg 35.
  • He then asked me to write a program to find the kth largest element in an array. I wrote the codes correctly.
  • He went on to ask how compilation takes place. At first, I explained to him how compilation takes place in an interpreted language. But he wanted to know about C++. I didn’t get it at first. He then gave me a hint and I answered him.
  • Then he went on to ask for a few puzzles. The first puzzle was that there are 8 eggs, and only one of them is light compared to the other. How will you find the lighter egg (in how many ways)? Answer: 3 (Hint: you are given a weighing balance). The next puzzle was, that there are two empty buckets 3L, and 5L and there is an ample amount of water. How will you obtain 4L of water in both buckets altogether? I answered the first one but couldn’t answer the second one. In the end, they asked me do you have any questions.

This round lasted for about 40 mins. 9 students were shortlisted for the next round.

Round 2: Technical Round 2: The interviewers were very friendly. They first introduced themselves and asked me what books I referred to study C++. I said websites like GFG, YT, etc. He recommended a good book and told me to refer to it. He then asked me to introduce myself. He got interested in my internship project and we then discussed it for about 10 – 15 mins. He then asked me to explain run-time polymorphism. I explained with an example. He asked me to code it and show him. Then asked some in-depth questions on function overriding. Then he asked about the difference between encapsulation and abstraction. 
Then he asked me for two puzzles. The first one was, that there are two identical dice. We have to show the month dates using the dice what would be the number on both the dice? We can move the dice. I answered this correctly. The second one was in a 48 hr clock how many times will the hour and the minute hand coincide? I explained to him the 12-hour clock approach but couldn’t answer for 48 hr. There were some other questions asked which I don’t remember ? 

In the end, they asked me if I had any questions. This round lasted for about 30 mins. 3 students were selected for the HR round.

Round 3: HR round: This was a very chill round. They asked me common HR questions.

  • Tell me something which is not mentioned on your resume.
  • Why siemens?
  • Tell me about your family background.
  • How were your previous interview rounds? Give two adjectives for them.
  • Why do you want to go into the software domain? my area of interest
  • Being a student what will you bring to the table?
  • Are you comfortable with relocation?
  • Since I had worked on AWS before he asked me how I would explain to a layman what cloud is. There were some more questions as well.

The results were announced later that day. 3 students were selected. I was happy to be one of them ?

Tips: Always ask questions at the end. Be prepared to answer any questions based on your resume. Always read GFG archives it really helps a lot. It’s okay to not answer a few questions. Be confident, Stay calm, and ALL THE BEST!!


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