Side-by-Side Bars in Tableau

In this article, we will learn how to draw side by side bar graph in tableau worksheet to do further operations. 

Tableau – a brief note

Tableau may be a very powerful data visualization tool which will be employed by data analysts, scientists, statisticians, etc. to see the info and obtain a transparent opinion supported the info analysis. Tableau is extremely famous because it can absorb data and produce the specified data visualization output during a very short time.

Side-by-side bar graph 

In a side-by side bar chart, the bars are split into colored bar segment. In a stacked bar graph, the bar segments within a category bar are placed on top of the other, and in a side-by-side bar graph, they are placed next to every other field chosen

Steps to import dataset:

  1. Open Tableau tool and connect a dataset into it.
  2. Drag and drop the one sheet of the connected dataset.
  3. Click on sheet1 to open the tableau worksheet.
  4. On clicking Sheet1 you will get whole dataset attributes on the left side and a worksheet for work.

To draw a side by side bar graph you have to select minimum three attributes( two in row and one in column) by drag and drop then select the chart option as side by side bar graph.

Example 1:

  • Drag and drop the fields in rows and columns.
  • Choose the chart as side by side bar graph.

Example 2:

  • Drag and drop the fields in rows and columns.
  • Choose the chart as side by side bar graph.
  • Change the colors by choosing a new palette.
  • Apply the border marks of black color.

Example 3:

In this example, we use example 2 with some enhancements that are listed below :

  • Drag and drop the fields in rows and columns.
  • Choose the chart as side by side bar graph.
  • Change the colors by choosing a new palette.
  • Apply the border marks of black color.
  • Apply the label marks by drag and drop of fields.
  • Arrange the column field in ascending and then in descending order.
  • Apply quick table calculation of profit on a field.

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