Shorten and Match the String

Given two strings S1 and S2, which consists of uppercase alphabets. Find the shortest string str which consists of # and uppercase letters, where the number of # must be less than the number of letters. Make sure if you replace the # in the string str with any string of uppercase letters of any length (possibly empty), then it must match string S1 and string S2. If it is possible to find such a string then print the string, otherwise print -1.

Note: If multiple answers are possible then print any.


Input:  S1= “w3wiki”  , S2= “FOR”
Output:  str = “#FOR#”
Explanation : we can replace the first # with “Beginner” and last # with “Beginner” then it satisfies for the string S1. and then if you replace the first # with an empty string and second # with an empty string it satisfies the string S2.

Input: S1 =”Beginner”  , S2= “GEEK”
Output: str = “G#”
Explanation : we can replace the first # with “EEKS”  then it satisfies for the string S1. and then if you replace the first # with “EEK”  it satisfies the string S2.

Input:  S1=”CODE”, S2= “Beginner”
Output: -1
Explanation: we can’t use “#E#” because it has more # than uppercase letters.

Approach: To solve the problem follow the below idea:

We have to check if there is any common substring in two string, if NO, then just print -1, otherwise we have to find the longest common substring between two string and then we have to check the length of that string. 

  • Case 1: If  the first character of two string is same then print that character and after that print a #.
  • Case 2: If the last character of two string is same then first print the # then print the last character.
  • Case 3: If the common substring is in the middle position of any string then check the length, if the length is less than 2 then just print -1, because we can’t use two # and one uppercase letters as the number of # must be less than the number of letters in our output string, otherwise print the common substring with two #, one is at first and another at last.

Below are the steps for the above approach:

  • Check the longest common substring between two strings.
  • If there is no common substring, print -1.
  • Else, check if the first character of the two strings is the same then print that character, and after that print a “#”.
    • If S1[S1.size() – 1] == S2[S2.size() – 1], print a “#” and S1[S1.size() – 1].
  • If the last character of the two strings is the same then first print “#” and then print the last character.
    • If S1[0] == S2[0], print S1[0] and a “#”.
  • Otherwise, check the length of the common substring.
  • If the length is greater than or equal to 2, print the common substring with two “#”, one is at first and another at last.
    • Print a “#”, then print the substring and then print a “#”.
  • If the length is less than 2 then print -1.


// code to implement the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find longest
// common substring.
string LCSubStr(string S1, string S2)
    // Find length of both the strings
    int m = S1.length();
    int n = S2.length();
    // Variable to store length of
    // longest common substring.
    int result = 0;
    // Variable to store ending point of
    // longest common substring in X.
    int end;
    // Matrix to store result of two
    // consecutive rows at a time.
    int len[2][n + 1];
    // Variable to represent which row of
    // matrix is current row.
    int currRow = 0;
    // For a particular value of i and j,
    // len[currRow][j] stores length of
    // longest common substring in
    // string X[0..i] and Y[0..j].
    for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
            if (i == 0 || j == 0) {
                len[currRow][j] = 0;
            else if (S1[i - 1] == S2[j - 1]) {
                    = len[1 - currRow][j - 1] + 1;
                if (len[currRow][j] > result) {
                    result = len[currRow][j];
                    end = i - 1;
            else {
                len[currRow][j] = 0;
        // Make current row as previous
        // row and previous row as
        // new current row.
        currRow = 1 - currRow;
    // If there is no common substring,
    // print -1.
    if (result == 0) {
        return "-1";
    // Longest common substring is from
    // index end - result + 1 to
    // index end in X.
    return S1.substr(end - result + 1, result);
// Function to find the Output string
void ShortenMatch(string S1, string S2)
    // Check if there is a common substring
    // between S1 and S2 If NO
    // then print -1
    if (LCSubStr(S1, S2) == "-1") {
        cout << -1 << endl;
    // If yes then check the cases
    else {
        // If last character of two string
        // are same then print # and
        // then the last character
        if (S1[S1.size() - 1] == S2[S2.size() - 1]) {
            cout << "#" << S1[S1.size() - 1] << endl;
        // If first character of two
        // string are same then print
        // the last character and then #
        else if (S1[0] == S2[0]) {
            cout << S1[0] << "#" << endl;
        // Otherwise check the
        // common substring
        else {
            string str = LCSubStr(S1, S2);
            // If the length of common
            // substring is more than 1
            // then print the substring with
            // two #s, one is at first
            // and another is at last.
            if (str.length() >= 2) {
                cout << "#" << str << "#" << endl;
            // Otherwise print -1
            else {
                cout << -1 << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    string S1 = "FOR";
    string S2 = "w3wiki";
    // Function Call
    ShortenMatch(S1, S2);
    return 0;


import java.lang.*;
public class GFG{
    // Function to find longest common substring
    public static String LCSubStr(String S1, String S2) {
        // Find length of both the strings
        int m = S1.length();
        int n = S2.length();
        // Variable to store length of longest common substring.
        int result = 0;
        // Variable to store ending point of longest common substring in X.
        int end = 0;
        // Matrix to store result of two consecutive rows at a time.
        int[][] len = new int[2][n + 1];
        // Variable to represent which row of matrix is current row.
        int currRow = 0;
        // For a particular value of i and j,
        // len[currRow][j] stores length of longest common substring
        // in string X[0..i] and Y[0..j].
        for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
                if (i == 0 || j == 0) {
                    len[currRow][j] = 0;
                else if (S1.charAt(i - 1) == S2.charAt(j - 1)) {
                    len[currRow][j] = len[1 - currRow][j - 1] + 1;
                    if (len[currRow][j] > result) {
                        result = len[currRow][j];
                        end = i - 1;
                else {
                    len[currRow][j] = 0;
            // Make current row as previous row and previous row as new current row.
            currRow = 1 - currRow;
        // If there is no common substring, return "-1".
        if (result == 0) {
            return "-1";
        // Longest common substring is from index end - result + 1 to index end in X.
        return S1.substring(end - result + 1, end + 1);
    // Function to find the output string
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String S1="w3wiki";
        String S2="FOR";
        // Check if there is a common substring between S1 and S2
        // If no, then print -1.
        if (LCSubStr(S1, S2).equals("-1")) {
        // If yes, then check the cases.
        else {
            // If last character of two strings are same, then print "#" and
            // then the last character.
            if (S1.charAt(S1.length() - 1) == S2.charAt(S2.length() - 1)) {
                System.out.println("#" + S1.charAt(S1.length() - 1));
            // If first character of two strings are same, then print
            // the last character and then "#".
            else if (S1.charAt(0) == S2.charAt(0)) {
                System.out.println(S1.charAt(0) + "#");
            // Otherwise check the common substring.
            else {
                String str = LCSubStr(S1, S2);
                // If the length of common substring is more than 1,
                // then print the substring with two "#"s, one is at first
                // and another is at last.
                if (str.length() >= 2) {


# Python3 code to implement the above approach
# Function to find longest
# common substring.
def LCSubStr(S1, S2):
    # Find length of both the strings
    m = len(S1)
    n = len(S2)
    # Variable to store length of
    # longest common substring.
    result = 0
    # Variable to store ending point of
    # longest common substring in X.
    end = 0
    # Matrix to store result of two
    # consecutive rows at a time.
    length = [[0] * (n + 1) for i in range(2)]
    # Variable to represent which row of
    # matrix is current row.
    currRow = 0
    # For a particular value of i and j,
    # len[currRow][j] stores length of
    # longest common substring in
    # string X[0..i] and Y[0..j].
    for i in range(m + 1):
        for j in range(n + 1):
            if i == 0 or j == 0:
                length[currRow][j] = 0
            elif S1[i - 1] == S2[j - 1]:
                length[currRow][j] = length[1 - currRow][j - 1] + 1
                if length[currRow][j] > result:
                    result = length[currRow][j]
                    end = i - 1
                length[currRow][j] = 0
        # Make current row as previous
        # row and previous row as
        # new current row.
        currRow = 1 - currRow
    # If there is no common substring,
    # print -1.
    if result == 0:
        return "-1"
    # Longest common substring is from
    # index end - result + 1 to
    # index end in X.
    return S1[end - result + 1:end + 1]
# Function to find the Output string
def ShortenMatch(S1, S2):
    # Check if there is a common substring
    # between S1 and S2 If NO
    # then print -1
    if LCSubStr(S1, S2) == "-1":
    # If yes then check the cases
        # If last character of two string
        # are same then print # and
        # then the last character
        if S1[-1] == S2[-1]:
            print("#" + S1[-1])
        # If first character of two
        # string are same then print
        # the last character and then #
        elif S1[0] == S2[0]:
            print(S1[0] + "#")
        # Otherwise check the
        # common substring
            str = LCSubStr(S1, S2)
            # If the length of common
            # substring is more than 1
            # then print the substring with
            # two #s, one is at first
            # and another is at last.
            if len(str) >= 2:
                print("#" + str + "#")
            # Otherwise print -1
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
  S1 = "FOR"
  S2 = "w3wiki"
  # Function Call
  ShortenMatch(S1, S2)


using System;
public class Program {
    // Function to find longest
    // common substring.
    public static string LCSubStr(string S1, string S2)
        // Find length of both the strings
        int m = S1.Length;
        int n = S2.Length;
        // Variable to store length of
        // longest common substring.
        int result = 0;
        // Variable to store ending point of
        // longest common substring in X.
        int end = 0;
        // Matrix to store result of two
        // consecutive rows at a time.
        int[, ] len = new int[2, n + 1];
        // Variable to represent which row of
        // matrix is current row.
        int currRow = 0;
        // For a particular value of i and j,
        // len[currRow,j] stores length of
        // longest common substring in
        // string X[0..i] and Y[0..j].
        for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
                if (i == 0 || j == 0) {
                    len[currRow, j] = 0;
                else if (S1[i - 1] == S2[j - 1]) {
                    len[currRow, j]
                        = len[1 - currRow, j - 1] + 1;
                    if (len[currRow, j] > result) {
                        result = len[currRow, j];
                        end = i - 1;
                else {
                    len[currRow, j] = 0;
            // Make current row as previous
            // row and previous row as
            // new current row.
            currRow = 1 - currRow;
        // If there is no common substring,
        // return "-1".
        if (result == 0) {
            return "-1";
        // Longest common substring is from
        // index end - result + 1 to
        // index end in X.
        return S1.Substring(end - result + 1, result);
    // Function to find the Output string
    public static void ShortenMatch(string S1, string S2)
        // Check if there is a common substring
        // between S1 and S2 If NO
        // then print -1
        if (LCSubStr(S1, S2) == "-1") {
        // If yes then check the cases
        else {
            // If last character of two string
            // are same then print # and
            // then the last character
            if (S1[S1.Length - 1] == S2[S2.Length - 1]) {
                Console.WriteLine("#" + S1[S1.Length - 1]);
            // If first character of two
            // string are same then print
            // the last character and then #
            else if (S1[0] == S2[0]) {
                Console.WriteLine(S1[0] + "#");
            // Otherwise check the
            // common substring
            else {
                string str = LCSubStr(S1, S2);
                // If the length of common
                // substring is more than 1
                // then print the substring with
                // two #s, one is at first
                // and another is at last.
                if (str.Length >= 2) {
                // Otherwise print -1
                else {
    // Driver Code
    internal static void Main()
        string S1 = "FOR";
        string S2 = "w3wiki";
        // Function Call
        ShortenMatch(S1, S2);


function LCSubStr(S1, S2) {
  // Find length of both the strings
  let m = S1.length;
  let n = S2.length;
  // Variable to store length of
  // longest common substring.
  let result = 0;
  // Variable to store ending point of
  // longest common substring in X.
  let end;
  // Matrix to store result of two
  // consecutive rows at a time.
  let len = Array.from(Array(2), () => Array(n + 1).fill(0));
  // Variable to represent which row of
  // matrix is current row.
  let currRow = 0;
  // For a particular value of i and j,
  // len[currRow][j] stores length of
  // longest common substring in
  // string X[0..i] and Y[0..j].
  for (let i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
      if (i == 0 || j == 0) {
        len[currRow][j] = 0;
      } else if (S1[i - 1] == S2[j - 1]) {
        len[currRow][j] = len[1 - currRow][j - 1] + 1;
        if (len[currRow][j] > result) {
          result = len[currRow][j];
          end = i - 1;
      } else {
        len[currRow][j] = 0;
    // Make current row as previous
    // row and previous row as
    // new current row.
    currRow = 1 - currRow;
  // If there is no common substring,
  // print -1.
  if (result == 0) {
    return "-1";
  // Longest common substring is from
  // index end - result + 1 to
  // index end in X.
  return S1.substr(end - result + 1, result);
// Function to find the Output string
function ShortenMatch(S1, S2) {
  // Check if there is a common substring
  // between S1 and S2 If NO
  // then print -1
  if (LCSubStr(S1, S2) == "-1") {
  // If yes then check the cases
  else {
    // If last character of two string
    // are same then print # and
    // then the last character
    if (S1[S1.length - 1] == S2[S2.length - 1]) {
      console.log("#" + S1[S1.length - 1]);
    // If first character of two
    // string are same then print
    // the last character and then #
    else if (S1[0] == S2[0]) {
      console.log(S1[0] + "#");
    // Otherwise check the
    // common substring
    else {
      let str = LCSubStr(S1, S2);
      // If the length of common
      // substring is more than 1
      // then print the substring with
      // two #s, one is at first
      // and another is at last.
      if (str.length >= 2) {
        console.log("#" + str + "#");
      // Otherwise print -1
// Driver Code
let S1 = "FOR";
let S2 = "w3wiki";
// Function Call
ShortenMatch(S1, S2);



Time Complexity: O(n*m), where n and m are the lengths of two strings.
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

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