Sheppard’s Correction for Moments | ML

grouping error
Sheppard’s Correction for grouping error
Raw Moments
Central Moments
What Kind of data can be corrected?
  1. This method of correction to moments is only possible for the continuous variables i.e. the continuous data.
  2. The width of the class interval should be equal.
  3. Frequencies should be symmetrical. Frequency should taper off to zero in both directions.
Marks Number of Students
0 – 10 1
10 – 20 6
20 – 30 11
30 – 40 17
40 – 50 21
50 – 60 16
60 – 70 13
70 – 80 7
80 – 90 5
90 – 100 2
Raw Moments –
Raw Moment
Sheppard’s correction for Raw Moments –
Sheppard’s Correction

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