Servlet – Load on startup

The element ‘load-on-startup‘ is used to load the servlet. The ‘void init()‘ method of servlet gets executed when the server gets started. The element content of ‘load-on-startup’ is Integer.

  • if the integer is negative:  The container loads servlet at any time.
  • if the integer is 0 or positive: The servlet marked with lower integers are loaded before servlets marked with higher integers.

How to add element load-on-startup while mapping servlet?

The load-on-startup is the sub-attribute of servlet attribute in web.xml. We do mapping of servlet in web.xml file.

In XML file



ServletOne load first then ServletTwo get load.

Servlet Code


package com.gfg;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class ServletOne extends HttpServlet
    public void init()
        // this method will get execute
        // when the server get start
        System.out.println("ServletOne got called");


package com.gfg;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class ServletTwo extends HttpServlet
    public void init()
         // this method will get execute 
        // when the server get start
        System.out.println("ServletTwo got called");

Note: the above code is server-side code it will not work on online IDE (it is only for the clarification of the topic).

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