Send an SMS Message with Python

In today’s fastest-growing world, SMS is still a powerful tool by which we can reach billions of users and one can establish a connection globally. In this new world when instant messaging and social media are dominating you can feel our humble SMS outdated but you don’t underestimate its power, it will remain an omnipresent tool for communication even in areas where internet access is limited. Integration of SMS in a Python application will open various exciting possibilities. With the help of Python, we can automate SMS services from automated notifications to two-factor authentication.

Send SMS Using Python

Below are some ways and techniques to send SMS using Python:

  • Twilio API Integration
  • Vonage API Integration

Send SMS Using Twilio API Integration in Python

Below are some of the ways by which we use Twilio API integration to send SMS in Python:

Step 1: Create a Twilio Account

If you don’t have an account, then sign up at Twilio.

Twilio sign up windows

Step 2: Get Twilio Credentials

After login you will receive your Account SID and Auth Token from its dashboard.

Step 3: Get a Twilio Phone Number

Get a Twilio phone number from the Twilio console. This will be the number by which your SMS will be sent.

Step 4: Install the Twilio Python Library

Install the Twilio Python library in your system using the following command in your terminal.

pip install twilio

Step 5: Write Python Code (

Now you have to write this code and replacing directed credential with your Twilio credentials and contacts.


from import Client
# in this part you have to replace account_sid
# auth_token, twilio_number, recipient_number with your actual credential
account_sid = 'account_sid'
auth_token = 'auth_token'
twilio_number = 'twilio_number'
recipient_number = 'recipient_number'
# Create Twilio client
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
# Send SMS
# in body part you have to write your message
message = client.messages.create(
    body='This is a new message',
print(f"Message sent with SID: {message.sid}")

Step 6: Run the script

Now, save the above python script with extension .py and run it.


After running successfully, you can check your console for the message SID, and you can verify your Twilio dashboard whether the SMS was sent successfully or not.

output in terminal

Output on Target Device

output on target device

Video Demonstration

Send SMS in Python Using Vonage API Integration

Below are some of the ways by which we use Vonage API integration to send SMS in Python:

Step 1: Create a Vonage Account

If you don’t have any account, then sign up at Vonage.

sign up window

Step 2: Get Vonage API Key and Secret

After login you will receive your Account SID and Auth Token from its dashboard.

Step 3: Install the Vonage Python Library

Install the Vonage Python library in your system.

pip install vonage

Step 4: Write Python Code (

Now you have to write this code and replacing directed credential with your Vonage credentials and contacts.


import vonage
# Replace with your Vonage API key and secret
api_key = 'your_api_key'
api_secret = 'your_api_secret'
# Create a Vonage client
client = vonage.Client(key=api_key, secret=api_secret)
# Create a Vonage SMS client
sms = vonage.Sms(client)
# Replace with your phone number and the message you want to send
to_number = 'recipient_phone_number'
message = 'This is a message from vonage'
# Send SMS
response = sms.send_message({
    'from': 'Vonage API',
    'to': to_number,
    'text': message
# Check the response
if response['messages'][0]['status'] == '0':
        f"SMS sent successfully to {to_number}. Message ID: {response['messages'][0]['message-id']}")
        f"Failed to send SMS. Error: {response['messages'][0]['error-text']}")

Step 5: Run the Script

Now, save the above python script with extension .py and run it.


After running successfully, you can check your console for the message SID, and you can verify your Twilio dashboard whether the SMS was sent successfully or not.



In conclusion, we can definitely say that sending SMS with Python or SMS automation can unease true potential of SMS, as one can have global reach, easy integration, enhance user management, easy advertisement with low cost and developer friendly ecosystem.

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