Selenium vs JMeter

Each and every software needs testing before deploying to real users. It is a technique of verifying and validating whether software or application is worm-loose, meets the technical requirements as guided by means of its design and development, and meets the consumer requirements efficiently and correctly by way of managing all the exquisite and boundary cases. It mainly targets at measuring the specification, functionality, and overall performance of a software program or utility. Two commonly used software are Selenium and JMeter so let’s compare the features of these two software.

What is Selenium?

Selenium is a powerful application for controlling net browsers through programs. It is purposeful for all browsers, works on all main OS and its scripts are written in numerous languages i.e. Python, Java, C#, and so on. Selenium has four important additives – Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium internet motive force, and Selenium GRID. In selenium, scripts may be mechanically recorded and edited manually imparting autocompletion support and the ability to move instructions round speedily.

Advantages of Selenium

  • Supports diverse running systems like Mac OS, Linux, Unix, windows, and so on.
  • Nearly all internet browsers assist selenium-written scripts.
  • Extra features can be added using external plugins.
  • Parallel test execution capability saves time.

Disadvantages of Selenium

  • It requires deep skills to master selenium.
  • Does not support automation tests on SOAP and REST web services.

What is JMeter?

JMeter also referred to as Apache JMeter is a checking-out tool for measuring gauge overall performance and functional behavior. Apache software foundation built the JMeter. Stefano Mazzocchi is considered the original author of JMeter development. The complete version of JMeter was launched in June 2022. It is written in Java Programming Language. It is able to be used on exclusive platforms like windows, Linux, Mac, and so on

Advantages of JMeter

  • It is a cross-platform software.
  • It offers various services like Web services, FTP services, Messaging Oriented Services, etc.
  • It is a free and open-source tool.
  • Clients get dedicated support from community members.

Disadvantages of JMeter

  • Multiple threads executions slows the process.
  • It lacks the capability of handling AJAX requests.

Following is a table of differences between Selenium and JMeter:




User Interface It offers a clean and user-friendly interface. UI is good and easy to use.
Developer(s) It was developed by Open source community members. It was developed by Stefano Mazzocchi.
Type It is a browser-focused software testing tool. It is a server-focused software testing tool.
Supported Languages HTML, Java, Python, Ruby, etc. are supported by Selenium. It mainly supports Java programming language.
Scalability  It offers high scalability. It is comparatively less scalable.
Testing Selenium is used to perform Functional testing.  JMeter supports Performance testing.
Official Site Its official site is It is available on its website
Custom test cases Custom test cases functionality is not available. It allows developers to write custom test cases.


Both Selenium and JMeter are very popular but Selenium is good for mid-sized and large projects as it is highly scalable while JMeter is not as scalable but for testing custom test cases users should go for JMeter.

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