Security Threats to IoT Devices

Anything that has connection to Internet is prone to threats. As per the saying, “There are two types of parties one that has been hacked and another that doesn’t know it has been hacked.” This statement throws light on the fact that we are always prone to vulnerabilities. It depends upon who is least vulnerable. Unless we don’t identify these threats over the internet then won’t be able to take steps to protect our computer system against these threats. Any threat on IoT is backed by a purpose. The purpose may differ depending upon intruder’s target:

  • Since IoT enabled devices are used and operated by humans, an intruder may try to gain unauthorized access to the device.
  • By gaining access to wireless IoT devices, the intruder may get hold of confidential information.
  • IoT devices require low power and less computational capability. Due to this, they cannot afford to have complex protocols. Therefore it becomes an easy target for intruders.

Vulnerability of IoT Devices: The easiest way to pick threat to IoT device is its vulnerability. Companies that provide IoT based solutions begin with addressing this issue first before commemorating on the underlying software. There are two types of vulnerability: hardware and software. A hardware vulnerability is difficult to detect. However, it is more difficult to repair the damage. Software vulnerability points towards a poorly written algorithm with a back door. Thus providing access to intruders for spying at such moments.

Easy Exposure of IoT Devices: This is one of the most essential issues faced by IoT industry. Any device that is not attended or exposed to troublemakers is an open invitation for threats. In majority cases, IoT devices are not are prone to third-party exposure – they either lay open or accessible to anyone. Which means that an intruder can easily steal the device and connect it with another device containing harmful data. Thus extracting cryptographic secrets, modifying programming and replacing devices with a malicious one.

Threats to IoT: There are two types of threat to IoT human threat and a natural threat. Any threat that occurs due to natural calamities like earthquakes, hurricanes, the flood can cause severe damage to IoT devices. In such cases, a back is created to safeguard data. But any damage to these devices cannot be repaired. On the other hand, we do everything to curb human threats to IoT devices. These threats are malicious attacks.

Human Attacks on IoT Devices:

  • Cyber Reconnaissance: Here intruder uses cracking techniques and malicious software to conduct espionage on the targeted user to gain access to secret information on the existing systems.
  • Brute Force Attack :Here the intruders make an attempt to guess user’s password with help of automated software, which makes several attempts unless it gets the right password to grant access.
  • Tracking: User’s each move is captured using UID of IoT device. Tracking a user gives away precise location in time where they wish to live.

Conclusion: Hence with the advancement in technologies there arises threats related to it. It is said nothing is perfect in the world of technology nothing is completely secured. So with the growth of IoT, there challenges to curb threats related to IoT in order to achieve its fullest benefits.

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