Secondary Sexual Characters – Definition, Development & Facts

Secondary Sexual Characters are defined as those characteristic features which are used to differentiate between both males and females. Secondary Sexual characteristics are dimorphic and they are not directly related to each other. The differences in size are also identified as secondary sexual characteristics. These characteristics also include physical behaviour which appears in human beings with puberty. These characters are governed by the hormones which are released during puberty.

Table of Content

  • What is Adolescence?
  • Stages of Adolescence
  • Puberty
  • Secondary Sexual Characters
  • Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Males
  • Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Females

What is Adolescence?

The time period between Puberty and Adulthood in the development of human beings is known as Adolescence. It starts at the age of 12 and it ends at the age of 18. In this period the human body undergoes multiple changes which further leads to reproductive maturity. During the onset of this phase, it causes the growth of reproductive organs in both males and females.

Stages of Adolescence

There are three types of stages in Adolescence which are mentioned below:

  1. Early Adolescence: The early adolescence starts from the age of 10 and continues till 13 years of age. In this age the person grow quickly. In males enlargement of testicles and in females breast development is been noticed.
  2. Middle Adolescence: The middle adolescence starts from the age of 14 and continues till 17 years. In this age voice cracking in males is seen while in females the menstrual cycle starts.
  3. Later Adolescence: This is the last stage of adolescence where there is complete physical development in males and females and they can identify their values.


Puberty is a phase or time where both males and females grow into young adults through mental and physical changes which their body is going through and they are capable of sexual reproduction. The starting phase of puberty is initiated by the hormonal signals from the brain to the testes of male and ovaries of females.

Secondary Sexual Characters

The characteristics which help in differentiating between male and female bodies are known as secondary sexual characters. These secondary sexual characters includes hair on the chest and under the arms, development of beard, moustaches and breast. Male and female consists of different sexual characteristics which are being mentioned below:

Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Males

Due to the increase in secretion of testosterone the physical changes in the males takes place. Voice cracking, enlargement of larynx are the changes that take place in males. The growth of facial and body hairs occurs in them. Due to increase in bone density the bone structure and skull becomes heavier. The shoulders become wider, chest broadening occurs. There is an increase in secretion of sweat and oil glands.

Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Females

Due to higher level of secretion of oestrogen these are some of the sexual characteristics develops in females: There is an increase in the growth of body hairs in the private areas and underarms. Widening of hips takes place, development of mammary glands. Females’ underarms are 2cm longer on average. The inner lips of the vulva known as labia minora grow more and also undergo some color changes.

FAQs on Secondary Sexual Characters

1. What do you mean by Secondary Sexual Characters ?


Secondary sexual characters are the characteristics in human body which is used in differentiating male and female bodies. In human being these secondary sexual characters during puberty but in animals they starts to appear in sexual maturity.

2. Name Some Sexual Characteristics in Males ?


Some of the sexual characteristics in the males are- Voice cracking, growth of body and facial hairs, chest broadening, muscular body, increase in the secretion of oil and sweat glands.

3. Name Some Sexual characteristics in Females ?


Some of the secondary sexual characteristics in females are- menstrual cycle occurs, enlargement of breasts, hair growth in private parts and in the underarms.

4. What are the Types of stages of Adolescence ?


There are three types of stages in adolescence which are as follows- Early adolescence(10-13 yrs of age), Middle adolescence(13- 17 yrs of age) and later adolescence(above 18 yrs of age).

5. What are the Signs of Puberty ?


The main signs of Puberty in males are the enlargement of testicles and genitals whereas in females the breast development and menstruation.

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