Second Order Derivatives: Rules , Formula and Examples (Class 12 Maths)

The Second Order Derivative is defined as the derivative of the first derivative of the given function. The first-order derivative at a given point gives us the information about the slope of the tangent at that point or the instantaneous rate of change of a function at that point.

Second-Order Derivative gives us the idea of the shape of the graph of a given function. The second derivative of a function f(x) is usually denoted as f”(x). It is also denoted by D2y or y2 or y” if y = f(x)

Let y = f(x)

Then, dy/dx = f'(x)

If f'(x) is differentiable, we may differentiate (1) again w.r.t x. Then, the left-hand side becomes d/dx(dy/dx) which is called the second order derivative of y w.r.t x.

In this article, we have covered Graphical Representation of Second-Order Derivatives along with formulas, examples and many more.

Table of Content

  • Second Order Derivatives Overview
  • Second Order Derivatives Examples
  • Second-Order Derivatives of a Function in Parametric Form
  • Graphical Representation of Second-Order Derivatives
  • Concavity of Function
  • Concave Down
  • Points of Inflection

Second Order Derivatives Overview

DefinitionThe second order derivative of a function
[Tex]f(x)f(x)f(x)[/Tex] is the derivative of its first derivative [Tex]f′(x)f'(x)f′(x)[/Tex].
It measures how the rate of change of f′(x)f'(x)f′(x) itself changes.
NotationDenoted as

[Tex]f′′(x)f”(x)f′′(x), d2ydx2\frac{d^2y}{dx^2}dx2d2y​, or d2fdx2\frac{d^2f}{dx^2}dx2d2f​.[/Tex]

Significance Concavity: [Tex]f′′(x)>0f”(x) > 0f′′(x)>0[/Tex] indicates the graph of [Tex]f(x)f(x)f(x)[/Tex] is concave up. [Tex]f′′(x)<0f”(x) < 0f′′(x)<0[/Tex] indicates concave down

Inflection Points: Points where f′′(x)=0f”(x) = 0f′′(x)=0 may indicate a change in concavity, known as inflection points.

Basic Rules

[Tex]- Constant Rule: f(x)=c⇒f′′(x)=0f(x) = c \Rightarrow f”(x) = 0f(x)=c⇒f′′(x)=0 – Power Rule: f(x)=xn⇒f′′(x)=n(n−1)xn−2f(x) = x^n \Rightarrow f”(x) = n(n-1)x^{n-2}f(x)=xn⇒f′′(x)=n(n−1)xn−2 – Exponential Rule: f(x)=ex⇒f′′(x)=exf(x) = e^x \Rightarrow f”(x) = e^xf(x)=ex⇒f′′(x)=ex – Logarithmic Rule: f(x)=ln⁡(x)⇒f′′(x)=−1x2f(x) = \ln(x) \Rightarrow f”(x) = -\frac{1}{x^2}f(x)=ln(x)⇒f′′(x)=−x21​[/Tex]

Second Order Derivatives Examples

Example 1: Find d2y/dx2, if y = x3?


Given that, y = x3

Then, first derivative will be
dy/dx = d/dx (x3) = 3x2  

Again, we will differentiate further to find its 
second derivative,

Therefore, d2y/dx2 = d/dx (dy/dx)

                              = d/dx (3x2)

                              = 6x                

Note: d/dx (xn) = nxn – 1, where n is the power raised to  x.  

Example 2: Find d2y/dx2, if y = Asinx + Bcosx, Where A and B are constants? 


Given that, y = Asinx + Bcosx

Then, first derivative will be

dy/dx = d/dx (Asinx + Bcosx)

          = A d/dx (sinx) + B d/dx (cosx)

          = A(cosx) + B(-sinx)

          = Acosx – Bsinx

Again, we will differentiate further to find its second derivative,

d2y/dx2  = d/dx (dy/dx)

             = d/dx (Acosx – Bsinx)

             = A d/dx (cosx) – B d/dx (sinx)

             = A(-sinx) – B(cosx)

             = -Asinx – Bcosx

             = -(Asinx + Bcosx)

             = -y


d/dx (sinx) = cosx

d/dx( cosx) = -sinx

Example 3: y = logx, Find d2y/dx2?


Given that, y = logx

Then first derivative will be,  

dy/dx = d/dx (logx)

          = (1 / x)

Again, we will further differentiate to find its second derivative,

d2y/dx2 = d/dx (dy/dx)

             = d/dx (1 / x)     (from first derivative)

             = -1 / x2                                                                      

Example 4: y = ex sin5x, Find d2y/dx2?


Given that, y = ex sin5x

Then first derivative will be,

dy/dx = d/dx (ex sin5x)

          = ex d/dx (sin5x) + sin5x d/dx (ex)     (multiplication rule)

          = ex (cos5x . 5) + sin5x . ex

          = ex (5cos5x + sin5x)

Again, we will further differentiate to find its second derivative,

d2y/dx2 = d/dx (dy/dx)

             = d/dx (ex (5cos5x + sin5x))

             = ex d/dx (5cos5x + sin5x) + (5cos5x + sin5x) d/dx(ex)

             = ex (d/dx (5cos5x) + d/dx (sin5x)) + (5cos5x + sin5x) d/dx (ex)

             = ex(5(-sin5x)5 + 5cos5x) + (5cos5x + sin5x)(ex)

             = ex(-25sin5x + 5cos5x + 5cos5x + sin5x)

             = ex(10cos5x – 24sin5x)

             = 2ex(5cos5x – 12sin5x)

Note: Multiplication Rule of Differentiation
d(uv) / dx = (u. dv/dx) + (v. du/dx)

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Second-Order Derivatives of a Function in Parametric Form

To calculate the second derivative of the function in the parametric form we use the chain rule twice. Hence to find the second derivative, we find the derivative with respect to t of the first derivative and then divide by the derivative of x with respect to t. Suppose that x = x(t) and y = y(t), then its Parametric form in Second Order:

First Derivative: dy/dx = (dy/dt) / (dx/dt)

Second Derivative: d2y/dx2 = d/dx (dy/dx)

                                            = d/dt (dy/dx) / (dx/dt)

Note: It is totally wrong to write the above formula as d2y/dx2 = (d2y/dt2) / (d2x/dt2)

Example: If x = t + cost, y = sint, find the second derivative.


Given that, x = t + cost and y = sint

First Derivative,

dy/dx = (dy/dt) / (dx/dt)

          = (d/dt (sint)) / (d/dt (t + cost))

          = (cost) / (1 – sint)                                                               —- (1)

Second Derivative,

d2y / dx2 = d/dx (dy/dx)

              = d/dx (cost / 1 – sint)                                                     —- (from eq.(1))

              = d/dt (cost / 1 – sint) / (dx/dt)                                       —- (chain rule)

              = ((1 – sint) (-sint) – cost(-cost)) / (1 – sint)2 / (dx/dt)      —- (quotient rule)

                   = (-sint + sin2t + cos2t) / (1 – sint)2 / (1 – sint)

              = (-sint + 1) / (1 – sint)3

                  = 1 / (1 – sint)2


1) Quotient Rule of Differentiation: dy/dx = v(du/dx) – u(dv/dx) / v2

2) Chain Rule: dy/dx = (dy/du) . (du/dx)

Graphical Representation of Second-Order Derivatives

Graphically the first derivative represents the slope of the function at a point, and the second derivative describes how the slope changes over the independent variable in the graph.

In this graph, the blue line indicates the slope, i.e. the first derivative of the given function. For example, we use the second derivative test to determine the maximum, minimum, or point of inflection.

The second derivative of a given function corresponds to the curvature or concavity of the graph. If the second-order derivative value is positive, then the graph of a function is upwardly concave. If the second-order derivative value is negative, then the graph of a function is downwardly open.

Concavity of Function

Let f(x) be a differentiable function in a suitable interval. Then, the graph of f(x) can be categorized as:

Concave Up: A section of a curve is concave up if the y-value grows at a faster and faster rate moving from left to right. 

Concave Down

The opposite of concave up, in which the y-value decreases from left to right, is called concave down.

Points of Inflection

Inflection points are points where the function changes concavity, i.e. from being “concave up” to being “concave down” or vice versa.

The second derivative of a function determines the local maximum or minimum, inflection point values. These can be identified with the help of the below conditions:

  • If f”(x) < 0, then the function f(x) has a local maximum at x.
  • If f”(x) > 0, then the function f(x) has a local minimum at x.
  • If f”(x) = 0, then
  • it is not possible to conclude anything about the point x

Second Order Derivatives – FAQs

What is a second-order derivative?

A second-order derivative is the derivative of a function with respect to its independent variable, taken twice. It represents the rate of change of the rate of change of the function.

What does the second-order derivative represent?

The second-order derivative provides information about the curvature of the graph of the function. A positive second derivative indicates that the function is concave up (convex), while a negative second derivative indicates that the function is concave down (concave).

How do you find the second-order derivative of a function?

To find the second-order derivative of a function, you first find the first derivative using differentiation techniques such as the power rule, product rule, quotient rule, or chain rule. Then, you differentiate the first derivative again with respect to the independent variable.

What is the geometric interpretation of the second-order derivative?

The second-order derivative provides information about the rate of change of the slope of the tangent line to the graph of the function. A positive second derivative indicates that the slope is increasing, while a negative second derivative indicates that the slope is decreasing.

What is the relationship between the second-order derivative and concavity?

The concavity of a function is determined by the sign of its second derivative. If the second derivative is positive, the function is concave up; if it is negative, the function is concave down. Points where the second derivative changes sign are points of inflection, where the concavity changes.

What are some applications of second-order derivatives?

Second-order derivatives are used in various fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and biology. For example, in physics, second-order derivatives are used to analyze motion, determine stability in systems, and study oscillations. In economics, they are used in optimization problems and marginal analysis.

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