Scraping Weather prediction Data using Python and BS4

This article revolves around scraping weather prediction d data using python and bs4 library. Let’s checkout components used in the script –

BeautifulSoup– It is a powerful Python library for pulling out data from HTML/XML files. It creates a parse tree for parsed pages that can be used to extract data from HTML/XML files. 

Requests – It is a Python HTTP library. It makes HTTP requests simpler. we just need to add the URL as an argument and the get() gets all the information from it.

We will be scraping data from Step 1 – Run the following command to get the stored content from the URL into the response object(file): 


import requests
# to get data from website
file = requests.get("")

  Step 2 – Parse HTML content: 


# import Beautifulsoup for scraping the data
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(file.content, "html.parser")

  Step 3 – Scraping the data from weather site run the following code: 


# create empty list
list =[]
all = soup.find("div", {"class":"locations-title ten-day-page-title"}).find("h1").text
# find all table with class-"twc-table"
content = soup.find_all("table", {"class":"twc-table"})
for items in content:
    for i in range(len(items.find_all("tr"))-1):
                # create empty dictionary
        dict = {}
                        # assign value to given key
            dict["day"]= items.find_all("span", {"class":"date-time"})[i].text
            dict["date"]= items.find_all("span", {"class":"day-detail"})[i].text           
            dict["desc"]= items.find_all("td", {"class":"description"})[i].text
            dict["temp"]= items.find_all("td", {"class":"temp"})[i].text
            dict["precip"]= items.find_all("td", {"class":"precip"})[i].text
            dict["wind"]= items.find_all("td", {"class":"wind"})[i].text
            dict["humidity"]= items.find_all("td", {"class":"humidity"})[i].text
                     # assign None values if no items are there with specified class
        # append dictionary values to the list

find_all: It is used to pick up all the HTML elements of tag passed in as an argument and its descendants.
find:It will search for the elements of the tag passed.
list.append(dict): This will append all the data to the list of type list.

  Step 4 – Convert the list file into CSV file to view the organized weather forecast data. Use the following code to convert the list into CSV file and store it into output.csv file: 


import pandas as pd
convert = pd.DataFrame(list)


Syntax: pandas.DataFrame(data=None, index: Optional[Collection] = None, columns: Optional[Collection] = None, dtype: Union[str, numpy.dtype, ExtensionDtype, None] = None, copy: bool = False) 

Parameters: data: Dict can contain Series, arrays, constants, or list-like objects. 

index : It is used for resulting frame. Will default to RangeIndex if no indexing information part of input data and no index provided. columns: column labels to use for resulting frame. Will default to RangeIndex (0, 1, 2, …, n) if no column labels are provided. 

dtype: It is used to set the Default value. 

copy: It copy the data from input. default value is false.


# read csv file using pandas
a = pd.read_csv("output.csv")

Output :


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