Score High on GRE: How to Get Good Score in GRE

To apply for higher studies applying for the GRE also known as the Graduation Record Examination is a must. It includes 3 parts analytical, verbal, and quantitative. This helps the college understand the strong and weak points of students and therefore in selecting them. This article helps you understand about GRE and to aim for good scores.

Understanding GRE Score

Different colleges have different requirements when it comes to the score. The quantitative and the verbal are scores together. The average for that is around 260 to 340, whereas the analytical scoring is done separately. According to ETS, the scores are divided into the following ways provided below:




Score Range

Analytical Writing

Critical Thinking and Analytical Writing Skills

Subjective Type Questions

0-6, in half-point increments

Verbal Reasoning

Judge’s Skills in analyzing and evaluating

Multiple choice questions

130-170, in 1 point increments

Quantitative Reasoning

Quantitative reasoning and problem-solving skills; Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis questions

Multiple choice questions

130-170, in 1 Point increments

How to Improve Your GRE Scores

Your GRE score will decide your future and career. Hence one needs to score well in this entrance examination to grab their target university. A good GRE score puts a good impression on various top-tier colleges and universities as it shows the candidate’s analytical, logical, problem-solving, and evaluating skills. Most of the elite universities are searching for students who have scores above the 90 percentile. Scoring this much in this general test can be a bit challenging but not impossible. 

Here is how you can improve your GRE score.

To improve your score in Verbal Reasoning you can consider the following strategies:

  • Enhance Vocabulary
    • GRE tests include college-level vocabulary questions that need to be prepared thoroughly.
    • Read more, look for online and offline sources, and prepare from sample questions provided by ETS.
  • Practice Reading Comprehensions
    • To improve reading comprehension you need to practice hard on unseen passages. 
    • Analyze the main idea, key details, and the author’s tone of writing style.

To improve your score in Quantitative Reasoning you can consider the following strategies:

  • Practice Math Questions
    • Quantitative reasoning is mainly based on problem-solving skills.
    • To conquer your GRE you need to work hard on various types of math problems and concepts consistently.
  • Work on Time-Management
    • Without time management you cannot succeed in anything. 
    • Practice math problems with a timer next to you so that you can improve your time-management skills.

To improve your score in Analytical Writing you can consider the following strategies:

  • Understand the two tasks
    • Unlike the other two sections, analytical writing has a subjective format. 
    • In comprises of two tasks, the Issue task, where you explain your views on a very common issue, and the Argument task, where you are required to support your argument.
  • Practice Essays
    • Essays are not as easy to write and prepare as MCQs. Hence you need to structure your essay in the examination with appropriate knowledge. 
    • To master essay writing, practice essays on multiple topics while also assessing your time-management skills.

10 Tips to Get Good Score in GRE

For achieving the highest score in GRE there is no shortcut method. The only path is hard work along with the smart world. You have to adopt those strategies that work the best for you. Following are some of the tips that you can consider to score high on the GRE.

1. Make a study chart

Before starting your preparation, make a study plan about the things and topics you need to cover. Focus on those topics that need more attention according to you for example something with an average difficulty level and higher marks. Divide your time based on this plan.

2. Use official GRE materials

Education Testing Service or ETS administers the GRE and offers official practice materials for the GRE including sample questions, mock tests, and various sources for preparation. With the help of this only thing you need to do is stay consistent.

3. Give the maximum number of mock tests

As you finish your topics, give mock tests available on the internet for each topic separately. By doing that you can understand how much time it takes for you to complete each section. Therefore working on the one that needs attention. It will also help in improving your speed.

4. Improve time-management

There are a total of 40 questions in both quantitative and verbal sections that you need to attempt in 3 hours and 45 minutes hence while preparing for essays or math problems or giving mock tests, always have a timer next to you to efficiently utilize the time limit.

5. Highlight your errors

Mistakes make a man perfect. Always highlight the errors you are making while problem-solving, understand them, learn from them, and ensure you don’t repeat the same mistakes.

6. Start Early

Take your time and begin your preparation for the GRE early to allow more chances of improvement. By starting early you can give time to each topic instead of cramming in the last few days.

7. Set a target score

Paste your ideal GRE target score in your study room so that the first thing you see while preparing for your examination is your dream score. This will help you stay motivated and will force you to work when you want to watch series, movies, anime, etc.

8. Stay Calm

During your preparation period, you will have anxiety and that is normal. It just means you are getting out of your comfort zone. Make sure to stay calm to stay focused on your exam preparation. 

9. Take brakes

You need to understand that sitting for a long time won’t help. You should have the capacity to understand and learn what you are studying and to do so breaks are required. There are many different methods which help you study as well as in taking breaks. Example of such a technique is the Pomodoro method.

10. Work Hard

Hard work is the key to success. Be consistent in your preparation and always push your limits. There will be days when you don’t want to study, it’s not about doing more, it’s about not giving up.


The best strategy to attain a high score in the GRE application examination is to have a positive and diligent attitude. Always start preparing early to increase your chances of improvement and to become more confident.

Some of the best tips and strategies to excel in this application examination are referring to official GRE sources and materials, managing time, understanding the syllabus, keeping track of your mistakes and improvements, and taking breaks in between your study time. But all of your preparations will go to waste if you don’t clear your head. So be patient and keep yourself away from all distractions.


How can I get a higher GRE score?

To get a higher GRE score,  you need to get a better understanding of your syllabus, study consistently, go through the official GRE materials, and practice as many mock tests as you can.

Is it difficult to get a good score on the GRE?

Yes, it is hard to get a good score on the GRE but as are all other good things. A good score can easily be achieved by working hard regularly.

What is the hardest part of the GRE?

Quantitative reasoning is usually the hardest part as it includes mathematical and quantitative-type questions, but it differs from individual to individual.

How can I pass my GRE with a high score?

One last suggestion for enhancing your GRE score is consistent practice with GRE practice tests. Aim to replicate the actual test conditions as closely as possible for optimal results. Complete each practice test in a single session, adhering to the time limits of the real GRE exam.

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