Scientific Name of Tulsi

Scientific name of Tulsi is Ocimum sanctum. The scientific name is used to represent an organism. The scientific name of an organism consists of two parts so this nomenclature is called binomial nomenclature in a biological system. The botanical name of Tulsi is Ocimum sanctum and it belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Tulsi is a perennial herb, it is the same as the cooking basil. It is a medicinal herb.

Table of Content

  • What is the scientific name of Tulsi?
  • Taxonomy of Tulsi
  • Geographical distribution of Tulsi
  • Habitat of Tulsi
  • Characteristics of Tulsi
  • Uses of Tulsi

What is the scientific name of Tulsi?

The scientific name of Tulsi is Ocimum sanctum. Genus name is Ocimum and Species name is sanctum. It is commonly known as holy basil because of its history of religious and spiritual and it comes from the perennial herb, which is the same as the cooking basil. Tulsi is widely grown in the Southeast Asian tropics and it flourishes in humid climates. Tulsi plants are branched herb and have purple and green leaves which also gives fragrance, their flowers are of purple color and they shoot out from the tip of the branch. It is around 1 meter tall and boasts furry stems.

Taxonomy of Tulsi

Ocimum sanctum is classified as:

Scientific name

Ocimum sanctum














sanctum or tenuilforum

Geographical distribution of Tulsi

Tulsi is a native plant of tropical and subtropical regions of Australia, Asia, Malesia and the Western Pacific and it is cultivated throughout the Southeast Asian tropics.

Habitat of Tulsi

Tulsi cultivation is preferring in fertile soil i.e. loam, poor laterite, saline and alkaline that have better draining properties. Soil pH range is 4.3 to 8.2. Average temperature range of this plant is 7 to 27 degree celsius.

Characteristics of Tulsi

Following are the characteristics of Tulsi mentioned below:

  1. Tulsi parts are generally used its leaves, seeds and dried roots.
  2. Its leaves contains volatile oil components and Eugenol.
  3. Its flowers are of purple color.
  4. This plant is popular because it have medicinal properties.

Uses of Tulsi

Uses of tulsi are mentioned below:

  1. Its leaves extract is used to treat skin diseases.
  2. Its leaves are also used to relief in cough and cold.
  3. Used in treatment of respiratory diseases.
  4. Tulsi seeds have anti-ulcer and anti-diarrheal properties
  5. Tulsi seeds are good anti-oxidant.
  6. Tulsi roots are used to treat malaria fever, to relieve insect bites pain.

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FAQs on the Scientific Name of Tulsi

1. Write the Scientific Name of Tulsi?

Scientific name of Tulsi is Ocimum sanctum.

2. Which Family does Tulsi belong to?

Tulsi belongs to the Lamiaceae family.

3. Tulsi Flowers are of which Color?

Tulsi flowers are of the purple color.

4. What is the Average range of Temperature of Tulsi plant?

Average range of temperature of Tulsi is 7-27 degree celsius.

5. Due to which Property Tulsi Plant is Popular?

Tulsi plant is popular due to its medicinal property.

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