Scientific Name of Butterfly

The Scientific Name of Butterfly is unique for each species. The scientific name consists of two parts: the genus name and the species name. Butterflies belong to the order Lepidoptera, which includes butterflies and moths. In this article, we will study the scientific name of the butterfly and its classification in detail.

Scientific Name of Butterfly

Table of Content

  • Scientific Name of Butterfly – Rhopalocera (Suborder)
  • 7 Levels of Classification of Butterfly
  • Butterfly Genus and Species
  • Butterfly Family Name
  • Butterfly Order
  • Indian Butterfly Scientific Name
  • Butterfly Scientific Name List
  • Characteristics of Butterfly

Scientific Name of Butterfly – Rhopalocera (Suborder)

The scientific name system of butterflies varies for each species. They belong to the suborder – Rhopalocera. Taxonomists classify butterflies into various genera and species based on shared physical traits, genetic relationships, and evolutionary history. As a result, the scientific names provide valuable information about the butterfly’s taxonomy, biology, and evolutionary lineage.

The scientific name system of butterflies follows a standardized format known as binomial nomenclature, developed by Carl Linnaeus. In binomial nomenclature, the scientific name of a butterfly consists of two parts, the genus name and the species name. Together, these two names form the species’ specific epithet.

7 Levels of Classification of Butterfly

Below is a tabular representation of the seven levels of classification for butterflies, using the Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) as an example:

















Butterfly Genus and Species

Here are some examples of butterfly genera along with a representative species for each:



Common Name


Danaus plexippus

Monarch Butterfly


Papilio machaon

Old World Swallowtail


Heliconius melpomene

Postman Butterfly


Morpho peleides

Blue Morpho


Vanessa atalanta

Red Admiral


Pieris rapae

Small White


Lycaena phlaeas

Small Copper


Agraulis vanillae

Gulf Fritillary


Limenitis arthemis

Red-spotted Purple


Junonia coenia

Common Buckeye

Butterfly Family Name

Butterflies belong to the order Lepidoptera, which is further divided into multiple families. Here are some examples of butterfly families:

  • Nymphalidae: Brush-footed butterflies
  • Papilionidae: Swallowtails
  • Pieridae: Whites, yellows, and sulfurs
  • Lycaenidae: Gossamer-winged butterflies or blues
  • Hesperiidae: Skippers
  • Riodinidae: Metalmarks
  • Nymphalidae: Brush-footed butterflies

Butterfly Order

The order to which butterflies belong is Lepidoptera. This order includes butterflies as well as moths. Lepidoptera is one of the largest orders of insects, including over 180,000 species worldwide. The name “Lepidoptera” comes from the Greek words “lepido” meaning scale and “ptera” meaning wings, referring to the characteristic scale-covered wings of these insects.

Indian Butterfly Scientific Name

Here is the list of common Indian butterflies along with their scientific names presented in a tabular format:

Common Name

Scientific Name

Common Mormon

Papilio polytes

Common Jezebel

Delias eucharis

Blue Tiger

Tirumala limniace

Common Rose

Pachliopta aristolochiae

Common Grass Yellow

Eurema hecabe

Indian Skipper

Spialia galba

Indian Fritillary

Argyreus hyperbius

Tawny Coster

Acraea terpsichore

Common Leopard

Phalanta phalantha

Common Crow

Euploea core

Butterfly Scientific Name List

Here is a list of butterfly species along with their scientific names:

Common Name

Scientific Name

Monarch Butterfly

Danaus plexippus

Old World Swallowtail

Papilio machaon

Postman Butterfly

Heliconius melpomene

Blue Morpho

Morpho peleides

Red Admiral

Vanessa atalanta

Small White

Pieris rapae

Small Copper

Lycaena phlaeas

Gulf Fritillary

Agraulis vanillae

Red-spotted Purple

Limenitis arthemis

Common Buckeye

Junonia coenia

Cabbage Butterfly

Pieris brassicae

Citrus Butterfly

Papilio demoleus

Anar Butterfly

Catopsilia pomona

Yellow Butterfly

Eurema hecabe

Paddy Butterfly

Mycalesis perseus

Syngonium White Butterfly

Ascia monuste

Characteristics of Butterfly

The following are the some of the characteristics of Butterfly:

  • Butterflies are insects with four life stages: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult.
  • Typically has vibrant colors and complex patterns on their wings.
  • Has six jointed legs, compound eyes, and proboscis for feeding.
  • Shows diverse behaviors such as migration, mating dances, and pollination.
  • Found in various habitats worldwide, including forests, meadows, and gardens.
  • Important ecological role as pollinators and indicators of environmental health.
  • Undergo metamorphosis, a unique transformation from larva to adult form.
  • Varied sizes ranging from tiny species to larger ones like the Monarch butterfly.
  • Lifespan varies but generally short, lasting from a few weeks to several months.

Conclusion – Butterfly Scientific Name

In conclusion, the scientific name of butterfly is Rhopalocera (suborder) and they belong to the order Lepidoptera, which is a Greek word that translates to “scaly wings.” This is an accurate description of butterflies, as their wings are covered in tiny, overlapping scales that give them their color and beauty. Butterflies are further divided into families, genera, and species, with over 20,000 species of butterflies found all over the world. Each species has its own unique traits and adaptations that help it to survive in its environment. Butterflies are important members of the ecosystem, as they play a vital role in pollination.

FAQs on  Scientific Name of Butterfly

What is the Scientific Name of the Butterfly?

The Scientific Name of Butterfly is Rhopalocera (suborder). The scientific name for butterflies belongs to the order Lepidoptera, which includes butterflies and moths.

What is the Scientific Name of Indian Butterfly?

The scientific names of Indian butterflies vary depending on the species. Some examples include Papilio polytes for the Common Mormon, Delias eucharis for the Common Jezebel, and Tirumala limniace for the Blue Tiger.

Why do Butterflies have Scientific Names?

Scientific names provide a standardized way to identify and classify butterfly species across different languages and regions, helping in accurate communication and research.

How are Scientific Names of Butterflies Determined?

Scientific names are typically assigned based on the butterfly’s genus and species, following the rules of binomial nomenclature established by Carl Linnaeus.

Do All Butterfly Species have Unique Scientific Names?

Yes, each butterfly species has a unique scientific name consisting of a genus and species epithet. This system helps differentiate between species and facilitates precise identification and study within the scientific community.

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