Scale Interview Experience for Full stack Developer

The interview experience for the Full Stack Developer Internship at Scaler is a rigorous and challenging process that typically consists of multiple rounds. The first round is a technical screening round, where the interviewer assesses the candidate’s technical skills and knowledge. This round may involve coding challenges or technical questions related to web development, databases, and algorithms. If the candidate clears the technical screening round, they may be invited for a second round, which is usually a technical interview. In this round, the interviewer may ask the candidate to solve coding problems or design a system architecture for a given scenario. The final round is a behavioral interview, where the interviewer assesses the candidate’s communication skills, teamwork abilities, and problem-solving mindset. Successful candidates are offered an internship position, where they get to work on real-world projects and gain hands-on experience in full-stack web development. Overall, the interview process is designed to identify candidates with strong technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and a teamwork mindset. The selection process would be as follows:

Resume Shortlisting: The college placement cell provided the link where we submitted our resumes and then we got the Online Assessment Test link after getting shortlisted.

Online Assessment: The assessment had three DSA questions and MCQs based on topics related to the frontend and backend. The duration is 1.30 hrs for the test.

Project Development and Technical Interview: After getting shortlisted candidates will suppose to complete a project related to Full Stacks. After completing they were supposed to submit that in the link provided to them. The shortlisted candidates will take the interview where the interviewer gonna ask about the project and its functionalities. They will ask questions related to the project and also ask questions related to DSA. After that, they further shortlist candidates and ask technical questions related to full stacks.

HR Interview: The shortlisted students will take an interview by HR where they gonna know how the company works and some practical questions will be asked to test how they fit in the company.

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