Scale Factor | Definition, Formula, Meaning, Types, and Examples

A scale factor represents the ratio of corresponding sides between two similar shapes. For example, a scale factor of 3 means that the new shape is three times larger than the original. Conversely, a scale factor of one-third indicates that the new shape is one-third the size of the original.

Scale Factor is a numerical representation that describes the proportional relationship between the corresponding dimensions of an original figure and its resized version. It quantifies the degree of enlargement or reduction in size during geometric transformations, aiding in precise adjustments.

In this article, we have covered the meaning of scale factor, its formula, types of scale factor — upscale and downscale, methods to find scale factor in different geometry shapes and applications of the scale factor.

Table of Content

  • What is the Scale Factor?
    • Scale Factor Meaning
    • Scale Factor Symbol
  • Scale Factor Formula
  • Types of Scale Factor
    • Up Scale or Enlargement Scale Factor
    • Down Scale or Reduction Scale Factor
  • How to Find the Scale Factor
  • Scale Factor of Triangle
  • Scale Factor of a Circle
  • Scale Factor of a Rectangle
  • Scale Factor of Other Figures
  • Applications of Scale Factor
  • Scale Factor Examples
  • Praactice Questions on Scale Factor
  • Summary – Scale Factor

What is the Scale Factor?

Scale factor is a metric we use to measure how a geometric figure changes in size when we adjust it. Using the symbol “k” to represent this factor, acts as a special number indicating the relationship between the original figure and its resized version. It’s important to note that the scale factor only influences the size of the figure, not its appearance.

Taking a square as an example, the scale factor helps us figure out how to adjust its size. If the scale factor is more than 1, the square after resizing will be bigger than the original. For example, if the scale factor is 2, the new square will be twice the size on each side.

Scale Factor Meaning

Scale Factor is the ratio of dimension of size changing shape, that tells you how much bigger or smaller a new object is compared to its original version.

Scale Factor Symbol

Scale Factor is reperesented by english alphabet “k”.

Note: If the scale factor is greater than 1, the new object is bigger; if it’s less than 1, the new object is smaller; and if it’s 1, the two objects are the same size.

Scale Factor Formula

The formula for the scale factor is calculated by dividing the dimensions of the new shape by the dimensions of the original shape. If you know the measurements of both the original figure and the dilated figure (whether it’s increased or decreased in size), you can decide the scaling direction—making it smaller or larger. Subsequently, the scale factor is found by applying this formula.

Scale Factor = Dimensions of New Shape/Dimension of Original Shape

For example, with a scale factor of 0.5, the new square will be half the size of the original on each side. When the scale factor is precisely 1, the resized square maintains the same size as the original, without any change.

Types of Scale Factor

There are two main types of Scale factor:

  • Up Scale or Enlargement Scale Factor
  • Down Scale or Reduction Scale Factor

Let’s discuss these types in detail as follows:

Up Scale or Enlargement Scale Factor

The enlargement scale factor is a number greater than 1, indicating an increase in size or expansion of the original figure. When the scale factor is greater than 1, each dimension of the original figure is multiplied by this factor to obtain the corresponding dimension in the enlarged figure. This will result in a larger version of the original shape.

Enlargement Scale Factor = Dimensions of Enlarged Shape/Dimension of Original Shape

Down Scale or Reduction Scale Factor

The reduction scale factor is a number between 0 and 1, signifying a decrease in size or a shrinking of the original figure. With a reduction scale factor, each dimension of the original figure is multiplied by a fraction or a decimal less than 1 to get the corresponding dimension in the reduced figure. This will lead to a smaller version of the original shape.

Reduction Scale Factor = Dimensions of Reduced Shape/Dimension of Original Shape

How to Find the Scale Factor

The steps to find scale factor are mentioned below:

Step 1: Check if the figures are similar, meaning their side lengths are proportional or correspond in some way, indicating equal angles.

Step 2: Identify corresponding side lengths on each figure. This may involve flipping or rotating the shapes to align them.

Step 3: Set up a ratio for scaling up (larger to smaller) or scaling down (smaller to larger):

  • For scaling up: Scale-up = Larger figure Measurement / Smaller figure Measurement
  • For scaling down: Scale-down = Smaller figure Measurement / Larger figure Measurement

Step 4: Simplify the ratio. If scaling down, the scale factor will be a proper fraction; if scaling up, it will be a whole number.

These steps help determine how much larger or smaller one figure is compared to the other.

Scale Factor of Triangle

To identify the scale factor of triangles, it is essential to establish their similarity. Two triangles are considered similar if:

Proportional Sides

One triangle is a resized version of the other, with their respective sides being proportional. The scale factor quantifies the extent of this resizing.

Suppose we have two triangles, ABC and XYZ. If the length of side AB is half the length of corresponding side XY, and the length of side BC is also half the length of corresponding side YZ, these triangles are similar, and the scale factor is 0.5.

Corresponding Angles

The congruence of two corresponding angles is another indicator of similarity between triangles.

Consider triangles PQR and LMN. If angle P is congruent to angle L, angle Q to angle M, and angle R to angle N, then the triangles are similar based on angle congruence.

Scale Factor of a Circle

In the context of circles, the similarity between any two circles involves a scaling factor. This factor is determined by comparing the radii of the circles. The formula for calculating the scale factor of a circle is expressed as follows:

Scale Factor of Circle = Radius of the New Circle / Radius of the Original Circle

For example, two circles with radii of 3 centimeters and 6 centimeters. To establish their similarity and calculate the scale factor, we apply the formula:

Scale Factor = 3cm / 6cm

Solving this yields a scale factor of 1/2. This signifies that the smaller circle is half the size of the larger circle, demonstrating the relationship between their radii and establishing their similarity.

Scale Factor of a Rectangle

When dealing with a rectangular object, adjusting the size involves multiplying both the length and width by the same factor. The scale factor, representing how much we’re resizing the rectangle, can be determined by comparing the dimensions of the old and new rectangles. For each dimension, we can use the following formulas:

Width Scale factor = New width / Current width

Length Scale factor = New length / Current length

If given that the dimensions of the current rectangle and one of the dimensions of the new rectangle (for example, the new width), we can use substitution to find an equation for the new length:

New length = New width × [Current length / Current width]

Alternatively, we can consider scaling using the rectangle’s area. The equation for that is:

New area = Area scale factor × Current area

Suppose the current rectangle has a length of 8 units, a width of 4 units, and we want to increase the width by a factor of 1.5.

Using Width Scale Factor

Scale factor = New width / Current width = (1.5 × 4)/4 = 1.5

So, the scale factor is 1.5.

Using Substitution for New Length

New length = 1.5 × 8/4

⇒ 3 × 2 = 6

The new length is 6 units.

Using Area Scale Factor

New Area = 1.5 × (8 × 4)

⇒ 1.5 × 32 = 48

The new area is 48 square units.

Scale Factor of Other Figures

To find the scale factor between similar figures, compare their corresponding sides or dimensions. For instance, in cylinders, compare heights, radii, or volumes. Similarly, for squares, compare corresponding sides, and for cones, compare slant height, radii, or volume.

If a smaller cube has a side length of 3 cm, the larger cube might have a side length of 6 cm. The volume of the smaller cube is 3 × 3 × 3 = 27 cm³, and the larger cube’s volume is 6 × 6 × 6 = 216 cm³. The scale factor is then 216/27 = 8. This means the larger cube is 8 times the volume of the smaller one.

Applications of Scale Factor

Some of the most common applications of Scale Factor are:

  • Architectural Design: Architects use scale factors to create models and drawings of buildings. A model might be built at a smaller scale, allowing architects to represent a life-sized structure in a more manageable and comprehensive way.
  • Map Making: Cartographers employ scale factors in map creation. Maps are often smaller representations of larger geographical areas, and the scale factor helps maintain accuracy when translating real-world distances to the map.
  • 3D Printing: In the realm of 3D printing, scale factors are crucial for adjusting the size of a digital model before printing. This ensures that the physical object matches the intended dimensions in the digital design.
  • Engineering Prototypes: Engineers use scale factors when developing prototypes. By creating scaled-down models, they can assess the structural integrity, functionality, and aesthetics of a product before committing to a full-scale production.
  • Geometry in Art: Artists use scale factors to create proportional and visually appealing artwork. Whether designing sculptures or paintings, artists may employ scale factors to ensure accurate and harmonious representations.

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Scale Factor Examples

Example 1: A rectangle undergoes a reduction with a scale factor of 0.5, resulting in new dimensions of 4 meters by 6 meters. Determine the dimensions of the original rectangle before the reduction.


Given that the rectangle underwent a reduction with a scale factor of 0.5, and the new dimensions are 4 meters by 6 meters, we can find the original dimensions using the formula:

Original Dimention = New Dimension / Scale Factor

Original Length = 4m/0.5

⇒ Original Length = 8 meters

Original Width = 6m/0.5

⇒ Original Width = 12 meters

∴ The dimensions of the original rectangle before the reduction were 8 meters by 12 meters.

Example 2: A map has a scale factor of 1 inch to 5 miles. If two cities are 30 miles apart, what is the distance between them on the map?


Given the scale factor of 1 inch to 5 miles, we can set up a proportion to find the distance on the map.

Let (x) be the distance on the map (in inches).

1 inch/5 miles = x/30 miles


⇒ 5x = 30

Dividing both sides by 5:

x = 6

So, the distance between the two cities on the map is 6 inches.

Praactice Questions on Scale Factor

Q1. A rectangle undergoes an enlargement with a scale factor of 3. If the original length is 4 meters, what is the length of the enlarged rectangle?

Q2. Two similar triangles have a scale factor of 1.5. If the shorter side of the smaller triangle is 8 centimeters, find the length of the corresponding side in the larger triangle.

Q3. A square is reduced by a scale factor of 0.7. If the original side length is 12 units, what is the length of the side in the smaller square?

Q4. An architect creates a model building with a scale factor of 1:50. If the actual building is 100 meters tall, what is the height of the model?

Q5. A photograph is enlarged with a scale factor of 2.5. If the original height is 8 inches, what is the height of the enlarged photograph?

Summary – Scale Factor

Scale factor serves as a crucial tool in geometry, helping us understand and manipulate the sizes of shapes during transformations. It’s a numerical representation indicating how much larger or smaller a figure becomes after resizing, symbolized by the letter “k”. When the scale factor is greater than 1, the figure enlarges; when it’s less than 1, it shrinks; and when it’s 1, the size remains the same. There are two main types: upscaling for enlargement and downscaling for reduction. Finding the scale factor involves comparing corresponding dimensions of the original and resized shapes. We use it across various shapes like triangles, circles, and rectangles, considering their sides, radii, or volumes. Scale factor finds practical applications in fields like architecture, map-making, 3D printing, engineering, and art, aiding in accurate representations and designs.

FAQs on Scale Factor

What is Scale Factor Meaning?

Scale factor is a numerical representation of how a shape changes in size, either getting larger or smaller. It helps describe the connection between the original shape and its adjusted form.

What are the Types of Scale Factor?

There are two types of scale factor,

  • Scale Up Factor
  • Scale Down Factor

How to Calculate Scale Factor?

To determine the scale factor of a dilation, measure the corresponding sides of the original shape and its image. Then, divide the length of the corresponding sides in the image by the length of the corresponding sides in the original.

What happens if the Scale Factor is Negative?

A negative scale factor not only resizes the shape but also reflects or flips it. This results in a change in the direction of the shape during resizing.

What occurs if the Scale Factor is Greater Than 1?

If the scale factor greater 1, the shape undergoes enlargement. This means that each side of the original shape is multiplied by the scale factor to determine the corresponding side in the resized shape.

What Happens if the Scale Factor is Less Than 1?

With a scale factor less than 1, the shape experiences reduction. The length of each side in the resized shape becomes a fraction of the length of the corresponding side in the original shape.

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