SBI PO Prelims English Question Paper 2020

Directions: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a letter. Find the suitable word from the options given against each letter and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.

Since the ______A______ of COVID-19, a common topic of conversation with family, friends, and colleagues has been the ________B_______ of getting back to pre-pandemic levels of daily productivity. In this transition period between their old work lives and the new normal that has not yet arrived, many begin their mornings with the best of _______C_______, but by the evening, their daily goals often remain unachieved. This is problematic because it causes some to fall further ______D______ at work, and leads others to sacrifice sleep, exercise, or other personal well-being in an effort to catch up. Despite coming from all ____E_____ of life, these people ask us the same two questions: What happened to my productivity? And how do I get it back?

Q1. What should come at the place of A?  

(a) Practice

(b) Beget

(c) Clash

(d) Onset

(e) Creation

S1. Ans. (D)

Sol. Onset is the appropriate word as onset means beginning of something, and in the statement beginning of something is being discussed, thus ‘onset’ is the appropriate word. Other options fails to convey any viable meaning.  

Q2. What should come at the place of B?  

(a) Challenge

(b) Discord

(c) Issue

(d) Victual

(e) Issues

S2. Ans. (A)

Sol. Since a pandemic is being talked about with which suffering from it is shown In the statement, thus ‘challenge’ is the appropriate word for it.  

Q3. What should come at the place of C?  

(a) Relations

(b) Complications  

(c) Intentions

(d) Passion

(e) World

S3. Ans. (C)

Sol. Best of intentions is the phrase which means to start something with positivity and with full energy, thus the correct option is ‘intentions’, and other options are incorrect.  

Q4. What should come at the place of D?  

(a) Before

(b) Beside

(c) Behind

(d) Besides

(e) Beneath

S4. Ans. (C)

Sol. Fall behind means to fail to keep up with one’s competitors and this is what the intended meaning of the statement is i.e. to fall behind at work. Thus third option C should be chosen.

Q5. What should come at the place of E?  

(a) Walks

(b) Roads

(c) Corners

(d) Areas

(e) Weather

S5. Ans. (a)

Sol. All walks of life is the appropriate option as it means all spectrum of life. And in the paragraph different people from different background is highlighted thus, ‘walks’ is the correct word.  

Directions (6-10): Read each sentence, divided into five parts, to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Choose the sequence which consists of correct parts of the sentence. If there is no error in the sentence, choose option (e).  

Q6. The World Mosquito Program’s Director of Impact Assessment, (A)/ Katie Anders, said: “This is the first trial of an intervention(B)/through the dengue mosquito to demonstrate (C)/ an impact on disease incident. (D)/ No Error (E)

a) Only A

b) C and D

c) A and B  

d) B and C

e) No error

S6. Ans (b)

Sol. The error is in part C and D

In Part D, “incidence” should be used at the place of “incident” because a noun is required after a preposition.  

In Part C, “against” should be used at the place of “through” as trial is done against something to curb it.  

Q7. From a supervision perspective, our results suggest that (A)/supervisors and policymakers should use the sales of top-tier (B)/management staff in banks as an early(C)/ warning signal of potential excessive risk-taking in banks.(D)/ No Error (E)

a) Only A

b) C and D

c) A and B  

d) B and C

e) No error

S7. Ans (a)

Sol. The error is in part A

In Part A, “supervisory” should be used at the place of “supervision” because an adjective is required before a noun.  

Q8. Of course, you need to be on sight to assess and execute solutions(A)/ when issues come up, and identifying and confirming are tasks (B)/ we can now do from home,” said Kazuhiro Kanno, (C)/general manager at Ricoh’s printer manufacturing unit. (D)/ No Error (E)

a) Only A

b) C and D

c) A and B  

d) B and C

e) No error

S8. Ans (c)

Sol. The error is in part A and B

In Part A, “site” should be used at the place of “sight” because on site means the working place.  

In Part B, “but” should be used at the place of “and” as there is the contrast in the statement for which ‘but’ should be used.  

Q9. The trial result is consistence with our findings from previous non-randomised studies (A)/in Yogyakarta and northern Queensland, and with epidemiological(B)/ modelling predictions for a substantial (C)/ reduction of dengue disease burden following Wolbachia deployments. (D)/ No Error (E)

a) Only A

b) C and D

c) A and D

d) B and C

e) No error


Sol.  The error is in part A and D

In Part A, “consistent” should be used at the place of “consistence” because an adjective complement should be used after a ‘be’ verb.

In Part D, “reduction in” should be used at the place of “reduction of” as with ‘reduction’ the preposition ‘in’ should be used.  

Q10. Moreover, our results may also yield policy implications for insider trading regulation(A)/ in banking institutions, particularly the FSB-developed Principles of Sound Compensation Practises (B)/ and Implementation, as well as in relation to several proposal on board oversight,(C)/ variable versus fixed salary schemes, and stock options.(D)/ No Error (E)

a) Only A

b) C and D

c) A and B  

d) B and C

e) No error


Sol. The error is in part B and C

In Part B, “Practices” should be used at the place of “Practises” as a noun is required and not a verb, ‘practice’ is a noun whereas ‘practise’ is a verb.  

In Part C, “proposals” should be used at the place of “proposal” because several is a determiner after which a plural noun should be used.  

Direction (11-15): In the following question, the sentence given with blank/blanks to be filled in with appropriate word/words. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

Q11. 2020-the pandemic year has been an ___________ year and _______________ has been kept at levels so that the government can quickly put the money back in projects.

(a) unusual, borrowing  

(b) funny, loans

(c) unnatural, credit

(d) freaky, leverage

(e) outstanding, funds

S11. Ans(a)

Sol. Since the pandemic is being talked about thus the proper word should be ‘unusual’. And with that ‘borrowing’ should be used. Thus option A is correct.  

Q12. The pace of _______________post pandemic will gain a lot of ______________ and those which have already found approval will be taken up with all earnestness.

(a) divestment, velocity

(b) disinvestment, momentum

(c) financial, popularity

(d) reinvestment, criticism

(e) vestige, customers

S12. Ans (b)

Sol. We can’t be sure about the criticism post pandemic, but due to pandemic, disinvestment may speed up.  

Vestige means remnant and there is no context of remnant here.  

Q13. Indian agriculture ____________ from several fundamental shortcomings.

(a) filled

(b) consists

(c) suffers

(d) abstain  

(e) inherit

S13 Ans (c)

Sol. Since ‘shortcomings’ is being talked about thus for that ‘suffers’ should be used. All other options do not fit as per the context.  

Q14. With the amendment in the ______________ Commodities Act, the Government of India lists certain commodities as essential to _____________ their supply and prices in cases of war & famine.  

(a) quintessential, perform

(b) basic, relieve

(c) nascent, increase  

(d) essential, regulate

(e) compulsory, describe

S14.Ans (d)

Essential commodity act is an act of the Parliament of India.

And since ‘supply and prices at the time of war and famine’ have to be regulated thus the correct word should be ‘regulate’.    

Q15. The rollout of vaccines to ____________ the coronavirus pandemic will not quickly reverse the __________________ wrought on global oil demand.  

(a) combat, destruction

(b) avoid, effects

(c) battle, stigma

(d) prevent, relief

(e) curb, affects

S15 Ans (A)

Sol. Since the ‘coronavirus pandemic’ is being talked about, thus for that ‘combat’ is the appropriate word to reverse the ‘destruction’ wrought on global oil demand.  

Stigma means a mark of disgrace or shame

Direction(16-20): In the given question, four words are printed in bold and are numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. Of these, the positions of two of these words may be incorrect and need to be exchanged to make the sentence correct. Find the two words which need to be exchanged. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e., ‘No correction required’.

Q16. India, no doubt, needs (1) agricultural sector ingredients(2) but what the ruling (3) dispensation has brought out has no reforms (4) of reform at all.

(a)1-3 and 2-4

(b)1-4 and 3-2



(e)No correction required

S16. Ans (d)


The correct sentence would be: India, no doubt, needs agricultural sector reforms but what the ruling dispensation has brought out has no ingredients of reform at all.

This makes Option D the correct choice among the given options.

Q17. One should be aware of the big(1) fact that politics and cine stars trying their luck to world (2) a stark (3) shot on unfamiliar ground called the score (4)of politics are something different.

(a)1-3 and 2-4

(b)1-2 and 3-4



(e)No correction required

S17. Ans (a)


The correct sentence would be: One should be aware of the stark fact that politics and cine stars trying their luck to score a big shot on unfamiliar ground called the world of politics are something different.

This makes Option A the correct choice among the given options.

Q18. With the vaccine (1) running amok, the U.K. has revised its policy to delay (2) the second dose of the Pfizer virus (3) too, despite having no trial data to support (4) this.  

(a)1-3 and 2-4

(b)1-2 and 3-4



(e)No correction required

S18. Ans (c)


The correct sentence would be: With the virus running amok, the U.K. has revised its policy to delay the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine too, despite having no trial data to support this.  

This makes Option C the correct choice among the given options.

Q19. Their (1) advertisers (2) of production in both manufacturing and the services sectors being curtailed by the lockdown, most prospects (3)cut back on with (4) discretionary spending to preserve cash.

(a)1-3 and 2-4

(b)1-4 and 3-2



(e)No correction required

S19. Ans (b)


The correct sentence would be: With prospects of production in both manufacturing and the services sectors being curtailed by the lockdown, most advertisers cut back on their discretionary spending to preserve cash.

This makes Option B the correct choice among the given options.

Q20. Economy (1) across the country have steadily (2) started picking up and the Businesses (3) is already (4) beginning to stabilize again.

(a)1-3 and 2-4

(b)1-2 and 3-4



(e)No correction required

S20. Ans (a)

Sol. The correct sentence would be: Businesses across the country have already started picking up and the economy is steadily beginning to stabilize again.

Direction(Q21-Q25): In each of the following questions, two statements and five connectors are given. Only one of the connectors from those given can be used to combine the given two statements into one sentence without changing the meaning. Choose that connector as your answer.


I. Online job portals provide a great platform

II. Finding the right kind of connections

(a) for

(b) Hence

(c) Because of

(d) against

(e) with

S21. Ans (a)

Sol. Online job portals provide a great platform for finding the right kind of connections.

‘For’ should be used as it shows the ‘purpose’.  


I. It matches with your career objective

II. Build up your profile and make sure  

(a) to

(b) which

(c) that

(d) so that

(e) So  

S22. Ans (c)

Sol. Build up your profile and make sure that it matches with your career objective.

‘that’ should be used as it works here as a conjunction and links the two statement.  

‘so that’ should not be used as there is no cause and effect in the statement.  


I. Guiding principle is that truth is not a destination but a ceaseless quest  

II. It is dogma that comes into conflict with science

(a) for

(b) whose

(c) Because of

(d) Because

(e) None of the above

S23. Ans (b)

Sol. It is dogma that comes into conflict with science whose guiding principle is that truth is not a destination but a ceaseless quest.

To show the belonginess, ‘whose’ is the most appropriate word to use.  


I. The essential unity of science and religion has been expressed by Stephen Hawking-the astrophysicist

II. Stephen Hawking described his lifework as an attempt to “know the mind of God”.

(a) who

(b) which

(c) that

(d) whose

(e) whom

S24. Ans (a)

Sol. The essential unity of science and religion has been expressed by Stephen Hawking-the astrophysicist who described his lifework as an attempt to know the mind of God.  

Here the relative pronoun ‘who’ should be used for which the verb ‘described’ is also given.  


I. our excitement and curiosity know no bounds

II. even a rudimentary hint of life comes to the fore  

(a) than

(b) because

(c) when

(d) such

(e) None of the above

S25. Ans (c)

Sol. our excitement and curiosity know no bounds when even a rudimentary hint of life comes to the fore.  

To show the adverb of time  ‘when’ should be used.  

Directions(26-30): In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. These are numbered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One these words printed in bold might either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The number of the word is your answer. If the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (E), i.e. ‘All Correct’, as your answer.

Q26. Digital(A) / IDs can allow banks to authorise (B) / identyties(C) / and verify transactions(D) / in real time. All correct (E)

(a) Digital

(b) authorise

(c) identyties

(d) transactions

(e) All correct

S26. Ans (c)

Sol. The correct spelling is ‘identities”.

Q27. Yes Bank may explore(A) / acqiusition (B) / of Citi’s retail(C) / assets(D) / in India All correct (E)

(a) explore

(b) acqiusition

(c) retail

(d) assets

(e) All correct

S27. Ans (b)  

Sol. The correct spelling is ‘acquisition”.

Q28. Noting that India now needs an absolute(A) /  one-point programme (B) /  to save lives and alliveate (C) /  the pain of millions of citizens(D) /. All correct (E)

(a) absolute

(b) programme

(c) alliveate

(d) citizens

(e) All correct

S28. Ans (c)  

Sol. The correct spelling is ‘alleviate”.

Q29. A Canadian judge granted (A) /  a 14-week ajournment (B) /   Wednesday in the extradition(C) /   hearing of Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou to give her abundant(D) /   time to review new documents.  All correct (E)

(a) granted

(b) ajournment

(c) extradition

(d) abundant  

(e) All correct

S29. Ans (b)  

Sol. The correct spelling is ‘adjournment”.

Q30. Iran’s recent acts of aggreesion (A) / against the U.S. and its allies(B) / follow a long history of terror by the state, including a recent modernization(C) / of tactics in the form of cyber hacks and disinformation(D) / campaigns. All correct (E)

(a) aggreesion

(b) allies

(c) modernization

(d) disinformation

(e) All correct

S30. Ans (a)  

Sol. The correct spelling is ‘aggression”.

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