SBI PO Prelims English Question Paper 2019

Directions (1-5): In the questions below a statement is given with two blanks in it. For each blank three alternatives are provided in the columns. Choose the alternative from the corresponding column that would fit the given blanks to make the given sentence grammatically correct and contextually meaningful.

Q1. The relationship between supply and demand, a fundamental economic concept, __________[I] that when the price of something __________[II], people use less of it. Similarly, when prices fall, they use more.

[I]  [II]

(A) asks (D) raises

(B) supports (E) grows

(C) holds (F) rises

(a) B-E  

(b) C-D

(c) A-F

(d) C-F

(e) A-E

S1. Ans (d)

Sol. The correct pair is C-F. here, relationship between supply and demand is not asking anything . ‘Supports’ can be correct but it does not have the correct pair.  ‘raise’ is a transitive verb which also means to lift something to higher position which is not the context here, thus, ‘raises’ is incorrect. In context of price, it rises, not grows.  

Q2. All use of animals for food, clothing, entertainment, or experimentation involves utilizing animals___________ [I] their will, creating suffering, and in ___________[II] cases, death. Let’s not have any more pain in the world. There’s enough already.

[I]  [II]

(A) against (D) more

(B) towards (E) most

(C) versus (F) all

(a) B-E

(b) C-D

(c) A-F

(d) C-F

(e) A-E

S2. Ans (e)

Sol. The correct pair is A-E. ‘against’ is the preposition used to show the context of ‘in opposition to’. ‘towards’ is used to show the direction which is not required here. ‘versus’ is used to show the contrast which is redundant here as well. In II, ‘more’ is used to show the comparison with pre-mentioned object which is not the case here. ‘all’ will be contextually incorrect. Thus ‘most’ is the correct word.    

Q3. Russian state carrier Aeroflot was an airline that the current CEO, Vitaly Saveliev, ____________[I]avoid. __________[II] bad service and an aged image, it had enough money for two weeks of business when Saveliev joined the company in 2009. But after five years in the top job, he had put the airline firmly back on track.

[I]   [II]    

(A) was used to (D) Known to  

(B) used to  (E) Known as  

(C) use to  (F) Known for  

(a) B-E

(b) C-D

(c) B-F

(d) C-F

(e) A-E

S3. Ans (c)

Sol. ‘be used to’ is used to indicate to indicate ‘to be accustomed to doing something’, however here there is no context of addiction. And ‘used to’ is the past habit, which is the context. Thus it is correct. Since the context is of past thus ‘use to’ won’t come here.  

‘Known for’ is used when someone/something is famous/infamous for something which is the case here. Due to the usage of other preposition after ‘known’, it makes it incorrect here. When we have to show the belongingness to whom someone is known, then ‘to’ should be used.  

Q4. How can we enjoy __________[I] this holiday season when sadness, cruelty and strife so often dominate the headlines? This is a question that Leigh Hunt, the great 19th-century English writer, asked ___________[II] nearly two centuries ago, and it is as relevant today as it was when he tried to answer it.

[I]   [II]

(A) it   (D) himself

(B) themselves  (E) herself  

(C) ourselves  (F) itself  

(a) B-E

(b) C-D

(c) A-F

(d) C-F

(e) A-E

S4. Ans (b)

Sol. The correct pair is C-D. for ‘we’ the reflexive pronoun that should be used is ‘ourselves’. And since ‘leigh hunt’ is asking question to himself, ‘himself’ should be used. And he is a male that can be verified from the last statement of the statement.  

Q5. Far away from the _____________[I] polish typical town in India’s cities, Gujarat’s hinterlands at first appear not too different from their _____________[II] in the rest of the country.

[I]    [II]

(A) regulated    (D) creators  

(B) swayed     (E) alternatives

(C) structured   (F) counterparts

(a) B-E

(b) C-D

(c) A-F

(d) C-F

(e) A-E

S5. Ans (d)

Sol. The correct pair is C-F. the context of ‘structured’ means ‘construct or arrange according to a plan’. There is no context of cities being regulated here, however with ‘structured’ means ‘organised’ is the correct option. Here there is neither the context of someone is creating something or someone being creator, and nor the alternative of something thus both D and E are incorrect here. ‘counterparts’ is correct as it means ‘a person or thing that has the same position’ , thus the comparison is being made here which also fits as per the context of the passage where in hinterlands and towns are being compared.  

Directions (6-10): In this question, a part of the sentence is made bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (A), (B), (C) and (D) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no replacement is needed, mark (E) as your answer.

Q6. Managers also described how much had the workplace been damaged by the crisis.  

I. the extent of workplace  

II. how much the workplace had been  

III. how the workplace had been much

(a) Both II and III

(b) Both I and III

(c) Both I and II

(d) Only I

(e) No Correction Required

S6. Ans (c)

Sol. Both I and II are the correct answer.

Since the highlighted statement is not an interrogative question, thus ‘had’ before the subject makes it incorrect as it is an interrogative form.  

I can be correct as ‘the extent of workplace’ becomes the object of ‘described’ and ‘workplace’ is being passively described by ‘damaged’.

II can be correct as ‘had been’ is together thus it is an indicative form.

III is incorrect as to show the extent of damage ‘much’ should be used with ‘how’.    

Q7. It gives the government better control over the money supply, since unless with cash, officials can see all the transactions taking place at any given time.

I. since unlike with cash,

II. since until with cash,

III. since excluding cash

(a) Both II and III

(b) Both I and III

(c) Both I and II

(d) Only I

(e) No Correction Required

S7. Ans (b)

Sol. Both I and III are the correct answer.

In the highlighted part, ‘unless’ is out of context as unless is used in the context of time but to exclude something, ‘unlike’ should be used. Thus with the same concept, ‘until’ is incorrect. ‘unlike’ and ‘excluding’ should be used, since the context of excluding ‘cash’ is mentioned here.  

Q8. A Lot of central bank has been looking at developing digital currencies.

I. A Lots of central banks have been

II. Lots of central banks have been

III. A lot of central banks have been

(a) Both II and III

(b) Both I and III

(c) Both I and II

(d) Only I

(e) No Correction Required

S8. Ans (a)

Sol. Both II and III are the correct answer.

With ‘a lot of’ plural noun should be used. And ‘ a lot of=lots of’. Thus with this concept II and III are correct.  

Q9. As many as 120 countries have China as their biggest trade partner, and many questions settling in dollars as it adds the unnecessary financial risk of adverse exchange rate movements.  

I. many question settling in dollars  

II. settling in dollars are doubted by many

III. several compensating debates in dollars

(a) Both II and III

(b) Both I and III

(c) Both I and II

(d) Only I

(e) No Correction Required

S9. Ans (d)

Sol. Only I is the correct answer.

‘many questions’ is the incorrect context, though it seems correct, it is because here the context is ‘many’ being pronoun and ‘question’ is the verb, so the context then becomes is many people/many question why settling in dollars are promoted. Thus only I Is correct.  

Q10. The model suggested that restriction on trading hurt both long-term and short-term investors in earlier times.  

I. restriction on trading hurts

II. trading restrictions hurt

III. restricted trading hurt

(a) Both II and III

(b) Both I and III

(c) Both I and II

(d) Only I

(e) No Correction Required

S10. Ans (e)

Sol. Option e is the correct answer.

Since the context is of past thus no correction is required in the sentence.

Past form of “hurt” is hurt.  

Directions (11-15): In the following questions, a sentence is given with a blank. You have to find the word from the given options that fit the blank in the given order and make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

Q11. Burning fossil fuels, the main source of _____________ carbon dioxide, is the biggest cause of climate change.

(a) man-made

(b) artificial

(c) natural  

(d) organic  

(e) innate

S11 Ans (a)

Sol. The correct option is A

‘man-made’ is the correct option.  

There is no context of artificial, or being organic in the statement given. The context is of man is responsible for burning fossil fuel which causes the man-made co2.  

Q12. While the health and ethical benefits are _____________, switching to a plant-based diet is healthy for the environment as well.  

(a) compiled

(b) deprived

(c) derived

(d) undeniable    

(e) synthetic  

S12 Ans (d)

Sol. The correct option is D

Undeniable is the correct answer. It is because the context here is of plant based diet which is healthy for environment, and moreover, its health and other benefits are undeniable i.e.  

‘something that can be denied’.  

Q13. Don’t worry about matching external hires with a specific job if they fit with your company and have ______________ for growth. When you see real talent, go for it.  

(a) prepared    

(b) chosen    

(c) critical    

(d) dispensable    

(e) potential    

S13. Ans (e)

Sol. The context here is of hiring a person externally and if that fits for the company then he/she must have some potential. No one is chosen for growth or no company hires anyone who is prepared for growth. So though option seems grammatically correct, they are contextually incorrect.  

Q14. Yet at the same time, Hunt found great pleasure in art, music and poetry, and he wrote _______________ of essay on a wide variety of topics that combined conversational familiarity with genial optimism.  

(a) lieu

(b) situ

(c) scores

(d) limbo

(e)  impression

S14. Ans (c)

Sol. Scores is the correct answer.  

Feline: relating to or affecting cats or other members of the cat family.

In limbo: In a situation where you do not know what will happen or when something will happen.

In situ: situated in the original place.

‘scores’ means many.  

Q15. As the city ebbs away, and we drive to the edges of countryside, _____________ roads give way to their lesser versions, tall glass-fronted buildings yield to haphazard village mandis, construction grey submits to curated green.  

(a) seismic

(b) abrupt  

(c) diverse

(d) limbo

(e) immaculate

S15. Ans (e)

Sol. immaculate is the correct answer. There is no context of seismic here.  

Seismic: of enormous proportions or effect. ‘immaculate means clean and the context is clean roads of cities lead to the lesser versions of the roads.  

Directions (16-20): Read each sentence, divided into four parts, to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. If there is no error in the sentence, choose option (e).  

Q16. The government said (A)/ it is on track to meet it’s official (B)/ March 31 deadline to provide electricity (C)/  connections to every home. (D)/ No Error (E)    

(a) C

(b) A

(c) B

(d) D

(e) No error

S16. Ans (c)

Sol. The error is in “Part B”

“its” should be used at the place of ‘it’s’ because ‘its’ is a possessive form of ‘it’ where as ‘it’s =it is’.  

Q17. Events in South Asia in the 1950s and early 1960s (A)/  had a long-term impact on the Cold War (B)/  and on relations between the countries involved (C)/  China, India, Pakistan, the United States, and the Soviet Union.  (D)/ No Error (E). 

(a) C

(b) A

(c) B

(d) D

(e) No error

S17. Ans (a)

Sol. The error is in “Part C”

‘among’ should be used at the place of ‘between’ as more than two countries are involved.  

Q18. When you promote people, (A)/ define their development programme (B)/ in the same way like you define their responsibilities, (C)/ authority and accountability. (D)/ No Error (E)    

(a) C

(b) A

(c) B

(d) D

(e) No error

S18. Ans (a)

Sol. The error is in “Part C”

“as” should be used at the place of ‘like” as ‘as’ is a conjunction which can be used here to connect two clause whereas ‘like’ is a preposition which cannot be used to connect clause.  

Q19. Even in circumstances that many of us would find utterly overwhelming, (A)/  she celebrated what remained available to her, (B)/ sometimes mawkish, but more often in the gritty realization (C)/ that giving into despair helps no one. (D)/ No Error (E)    

(a) C

(b) A

(c) B

(d) D

(e) No error

S19. Ans (a)

Sol. The error is in “Part C”

“mawkishly” should be used at the place of ‘mawkish’ as here, the word ‘celebrated’ has to be qualified’.  

Q20. The solar panels are (A)/ the only bit of technology visible in otherwise arid landscape. (B)/ They power the nearby motor (C)/ that pumps water from the recently constructed well. (D)/ No Error (E)      

(a) C  

(b) A

(c) B

(d) D

(e) No error

S20. Ans (c)

Sol. The error is in “Part B”

‘the’ should be used for the landscape as such a long description is given to make it unique so it should be ‘the otherwise arid landscape’.  

Direction (21-25): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

We live in an era of increasing interdependence and accelerating change, much of it, driven by technological advancement. The efficiency, innovation, and speed of a digitally connected world can expand and percolate the benefits not for the more endowed economies but for those that are ‘better’ prepared. The future of jobs will be nothing like now, and may benefit India. While on one hand it provides the latitude for employment opportunities, on the other it will catalyse rapid growth. Evolving and connected world is changing the job market; the impact will be economic and social, traumatic or rewarding depending on ‘preparedness’. Geography seems to matter less, several jobs overlap, and ‘skills’ can work from anywhere, prompting labour substitution & augmentation, enhancing productivity. Under the colonial rulers the first industrial revolution bypassed us; we suffered and were marginalised economically. Post-independence our misplaced policy framework denied many entrepreneurs an active participation of the growth milieu. It ________________ a third of our people even the basic necessities. We have failed to transition from resource-driven growth to productivity-driven growth. However, the last 3 decades have been rewarding nonetheless. High and sustainable growth (for a period) has lifted millions out of poverty.  

Q21. Who can be benefitted with efficiency, innovation and speed of a digitally connected world?

(a) resourced economies  

(b) resource-driven economy

(c) developed economy

(d) productivity-driven economy

(e) thoroughly prepared economies

S21. Ans (e)

Sol. ‘thoroughly prepared economy’ is the correct answer which is mentioned in the 4th sentence of the paragraph. Hence option E is the correct answer.  

Q22. How the technological advancement going to affect the future of jobs?  

I. It will render window of opportunity for employees.  

II. tremendous boom in jobs will be triggered.    

III. sustainable growth will lift people out of poverty.  

(a) Only (I)

(b) Both (I) and (II)

(c) Only (III)

(d) Both (II) and (III)

(e) All of the above

S22. Ans (b)

Sol. Both the statements I and II can be inferred from the 4th and 5th statement of the passage. Hence option B is the correct answer.

Q23. What can be the possible impacts of advancing world on the transformation of job market.  

I. economical and social

II. worthwhile and distressing

III. industrial

(a) Only (I)

(b) Both (I) and (II)

(c) Only (III)

(d) Both (II) and (III)

(e) All of the above

S23. Ans (b)

Sol. the impacts are clearly mentioned in the sixth and seventh statement of the passage.  

The statement is “Evolving and connected world is changing the job market; the impact will be economic and social, traumatic or rewarding depending on ‘preparedness’”

Q24. Which is the following can be correctly inferred from the passage?

I. In today’s times, landscape and background will be of least significant for the job.

II. The adeptness of doing work is preferred to location, which will be the deciding factor in the permutation and combination of workforce.  

III. the advancement of technology may bring us to the dead end of being marginalised economically.  

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) Both I and II

(d) Only III

(e) Both II and III

S24. Ans (c)

Sol. both the statements I and II can be inferred from the 7th and 8th statement of the passage. The statement that needed to be referred to is “Geography seems to matter less, several jobs overlap, and ‘skills” can work from anywhere, prompting labour substitution & augmentation, enhancing productivity.”  

Q25. Which of the following can fill the blank given in the passage?

(a) heaved

(b) vexed

(c) refused

(d) deprived

(e) denied

S25. Ans (d)

Sol. “deprive” is the appropriate word which means prevent (a person or place) from having or using something.  

Vexed means annoyed, frustrated, or worried.

Heaved means lift or haul (something heavy) with great effort.

Directions (26-30): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph. Then, answer the questions given below.

(A) An agreement has generally a service rendered by one and a fee received by the other.

(B) The catch however is that whereas profit is tangible, a benefit is not.

(C) For the production and supply of agricultural products under forward agreements, at predetermined prices under defined quality parameters.

(D) That is the issue on ground today wherein the profits can be seen but the benefits are lost in the fog.

(E) Contract farming is an agreement between farmers and processing marketing firms

(F) A perceived profit or benefit must be normally inbuilt into an agreement.  

Q26. Which of the following should be the SECOND statement after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

S26. Ans (c)


Analysing the given sentences, we see that, sentence E sheds light on contract farming which is the topic of discussion in the passage. Hence, sentence E is the first sentence.

Connecting E and C:

Contract farming is an agreement between farmers and processing marketing firms  

For the production and supply of agricultural products under forward agreements, at predetermined prices under defined quality parameters.

In sentence C, why is the contract farming done is mentioned here. Hence C is the next sentence after E.

Sentence A states about what is an agreement is all about. Thus A should be next statement after C. A should be followed by F as in this statement profit is being mentioned after the agreement. After B should be placed as it indicates the catch in the profit, which is then further elaborated in D

The correct sequence is: ECAFBD

As per the question, the SECOND statement is C.

Hence, option (c) is correct.

Q27. Which of the following should be the FOURTH statement after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) D

(d) E

(e) F

S27. Ans (e)


Analysing the given sentences, we see that, sentence E sheds light on contract farming which is the topic of discussion in the passage. Hence, sentence E is the first sentence.

Connecting E and C:

Contract farming is an agreement between farmers and processing marketing firms  

For the production and supply of agricultural products under forward agreements, at predetermined prices under defined quality parameters.

In sentence C, why is the contract farming done is mentioned here. Hence C is the next sentence after E.

Sentence A states about what is an agreement is all about. Thus A should be next statement after C. A should be followed by F as in this statement profit is being mentioned after the agreement. After B should be placed as it indicates the catch in the profit, which is then further elaborated in D

The correct sequence is: ECAFBD

As per the question, the FOURTH statement is F.

Hence, option (e) is correct.

Q28. Which of the following should be the THIRD statement after rearrangement?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) E

S28. Ans (a)


Analysing the given sentences, we see that, sentence E sheds light on contract farming which is the topic of discussion in the passage. Hence, sentence E is the first sentence.

Connecting E and C:

Contract farming is an agreement between farmers and processing marketing firms  

For the production and supply of agricultural products under forward agreements, at predetermined prices under defined quality parameters.

In sentence C, why is the contract farming done is mentioned here. Hence C is the next sentence after E.

Sentence A states about what is an agreement is all about. Thus A should be next statement after C. A should be followed by F as in this statement profit is being mentioned after the agreement. After B should be placed as it indicates the catch in the profit, which is then further elaborated in D

The correct sequence is: ECAFBD

As per the question, the THIRD statement is A.

Hence, option (a) is correct.

Q29. Which of the following should be the FIRST statement after rearrangement?

(a) B

(b) D

(c) C

(d) E

(e) A

S29. Ans (d)


Analysing the given sentences, we see that, sentence E sheds light on contract farming which is the topic of discussion in the passage. Hence, sentence E is the first sentence.

Connecting E and C:

Contract farming is an agreement between farmers and processing marketing firms  

For the production and supply of agricultural products under forward agreements, at predetermined prices under defined quality parameters.

In sentence C, why is the contract farming done is mentioned here. Hence C is the next sentence after E.

Sentence A states about what is an agreement is all about. Thus A should be next statement after C. A should be followed by F as in this statement profit is being mentioned after the agreement. After B should be placed as it indicates the catch in the profit, which is then further elaborated in D

The correct sequence is: ECAFBD

As per the question, the FIRST statement is E.

Hence, option (d) is correct.

Q30. Which of the following should be the SIXTH statement after rearrangement?

(a) D

(b) E

(c) A

(d) B

(e) C

S30. Ans (a)


Analysing the given sentences, we see that, sentence E sheds light on contract farming which is the topic of discussion in the passage. Hence, sentence E is the first sentence.

Connecting E and C:

Contract farming is an agreement between farmers and processing marketing firms  

For the production and supply of agricultural products under forward agreements, at predetermined prices under defined quality parameters.

In sentence C, why is the contract farming done is mentioned here. Hence C is the next sentence after E.

Sentence A states about what is an agreement is all about. Thus A should be next statement after C. A should be followed by F as in this statement profit is being mentioned after the agreement. After B should be placed as it indicates the catch in the profit, which is then further elaborated in D

The correct sequence is: ECAFBD

As per the question, the SIXTH statement is D.

Hence, option (a) is correct.

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