SBI Clerk Prelims Reasoning Question Paper 2020

Directions (1-5): Read the given information carefully and answer the following questions.

In a campus placement, some students are waiting for the interview and sitting on a single row outside the interview panel room and facing towards the North direction. Q sits to the right of R who sits at one of the ends. Y sits 2nd to the right of J who sits 4th place from one of the ends. There are four students sitting between Z and M. Q sits immediately to the left of T who sits 2nd to the left of M. There are three students sitting between T and K. M is one of the neighbours of Y. K sits at one of the ends. L sits 2nd to the left of Z. Z sits to the immediate left of O. O is the neighbour of Q. There are four students sitting between O and R.



Q1. Who among the following sits to the immediate right of J?

a) R

b) K

c) M

d) Z

e) None of these  

Solution: c

M sits to the immediate right of J.

Q2. How many students sit between Q and Y?

a) One  

b) Two  

c) Three  

d) Four  

e) Five  

Solution: c

There are three persons sitting between Q and Y.

Q3. How many students are there in the row?

a) 12 students  

b) 11 students  

c) 10 students  

d) 13 students  

e) None of these  

Solution: a

There are 12 students in that row.

Q4. Who among the following sits at the 5th position from the left end?

a) K

b) O

c) J

d) Z

e) None of these  

Solution: d

Z sits in the 5th place from the left end.

Q5. Who among the following sits to the immediate right of O?

a) L

b) Q

c) J

d) T

e) Y            

Solution: b

Q sits to the immediate right of O.

Direction (6-8): In each of the questions below are given some statements followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

a) If only conclusion I follows.

b) If only conclusion II follows.

c) If either conclusion I or II follows.

d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

e) If both conclusions I and II follow.

Q6. Statements:  

Some Silk is Bat.  

All Silk are Fan.  

Few Sofa is not Silk.  


I. All Silk can be Sofa.  

II. All Sofa can be Fan.  

a) If only conclusion I follows.

b) If only conclusion II follows.

c) If either conclusion I or II follows.

d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

e) If both conclusions I and II follow.

Solution: e

If both conclusions, I and II follow.

Q7. Statements:  

Some H is D.

Only a few D is T.  

No J is D.  


I. Some H is J, is a possibility.  

II. All T can be J.  

a) If only conclusion I follows.

b) If only conclusion II follows.

c) If either conclusion I or II follows.

d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

e) If both conclusions I and II follow.

Solution: a

If only conclusion I follows.

Q8. Statements:  

All Cat are Lion.  

Few Cat is Bat. C

No Lion is Dog.  


I. All Dog can be Cat.  

II. Some cat can never be Dog.  

a) If only conclusion I follows.

b) If only conclusion II follows.

c) If either conclusion I or II follows.

d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

e) If both conclusions I and II follow.

Solution: b

If only conclusion II follows.

Directions (9- 12) Study the following information and answer the questions given.

In a certain code language

“we reads a book” means “ca ds ms op”

“we lives of goa” means “na ms la ju”

“a lives his goa” means “la fu ds ju”

“goa of his book” means “ju ca na fu”


Q9. What is his code of ‘lives’ in this code language?

a) ju

b) ds

c) la

d) ma

e) fu

Solution: c

his code of ‘lives ‘in this code language is ‘la’.

Q10. What does ‘op la’ stand for?

a) reads lives

b) lives book

c) book in

d) in we

e) None of these  

Solution: a

‘op la’ stand for ‘read lives’.

Q11. What does ‘ms’ stands for?  

a) we

b) book

c) in

d) his

e) of  

Solution: a

‘ms’ stands for ‘we’.

Q12. What is his code of ‘of’?  

a) op

b) na

c) ms

d) ca

e) None of these

Solution: b

his code of ‘goa’ is ‘na’.

Directions (13-17): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: There are eight persons S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z sitting around a circular table facing the centre of the table but not necessarily in the same order. Y sits third to the left of X. Only one person sits between T and V. W faces U who is not an immediate neighbour of T. T sits third to the right of S. S is not an immediate neighbour of X.


Q13. Who among the following sits to the immediate left of U?

a) Y  

b) V  

c) X

d) Z  

e) None of these

Solution: b

V sits to the immediate left of U.

Q14. Who among the following sits to the opposite of S?

a) Z  

b) Y  

c) X

d) V  

e) None of these

X sits to the opposite of S.

Q15. How many persons sit between Z and Y when counted from the left of Y?

a) Two  

b) One  

c) Three

d) Four  

e) None of these

Solution: b

One person sits between Z and Y when counted from the left of Y.

Q16. If all the persons sitting around the circle in a clockwise direction by their names according to English alphabetical order starting from S, then how many persons remain unchanged except S?

a) Four  

b) One  

c) Three

d) Two  

e) None of these

Solution: d  


Two persons remain unchanged except S.

Q17. What is the position of T with respect to Z?

a) Fourth to the left

b) Fourth to the right

c) Third to the right

d) Both (a) and (c)

e) Both (a) and (b) 

Solution: e

The position of T with respect to Z is fourth to the left & Third to the right.  

Direction (18-20): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

M is 25m in the north of P. O is 10m east of P. Q is 10m north of O. R is 15m east of Q. S is 20m south of R. Z is 25m west of S. N is 17m to the east of M.


Q18. Point M is in which direction and how far with respect to point Z?

a) 50m, North

b) 35m, South

c) 70m, East

d) 45m, South

e) 35m, North

Solution: e

Point M, 35m, North with respect to point Z.

Q19. What is the Shortest distance between M and Z?

a) 25m  

b) 45m

c) 35m  

d) 30m

e) None of these

Solution: c  

The shortest distance between M and Z is 35m.

Q20. What is the direction of point R with respect to point P?

a) North

b) North-East

c) South-East

d) South-West

e) None of these

Solution: b

North- East

Directions (21-25): Following questions are based on the five numbers given below, Study the given information and answer the following questions.

E ! Y 7  M & F 5 A $  2 I 0 4 @ 8 W *1 @ U # 6 B 9 X 3 % K D

Q21. Which of the following element is Third to the right of the eleventh to the left of B?  

a) @  

b) 2

c) 8  

d) F

e) None of these

Solution: c

8 is third to the right of the eleventh to the left of B.

Q22. Which of the following element is Second to the left of the eleventh to the left end?  

a) @  

b) A

c) 8  

d) W

e) 5

Solution: b

A is second to the left of the eleventh to the left end.

Q23. What is the sum of numbers between the ‘5’ from the left end and ‘9’ from the right end?

a) 21  

b) 17

c) 19  

d) 18

e) None of these

Solution: a

The sum of numbers between 5 from the left end and 9 from the right end is 21.

Q24. If the position of the first and the Sixteenth elements, the second and Seventeenth elements, and so on up to the Fifteenth and the Thirty elements, are interchanged, which Element will be 9th on the left end?

a) A    

b) B

c) 6          

d) $

e) None of the above

Solution: b

B is the 9th element from the left end.

Q25. After dividing the above series into five-part from left end to right and then those part of the sequence is written in the reverse order, Then find what will be 6th to the left of the 12th from the right end?

a) 0  

b) 4

c) 1  

d) *

e) None of these

Solution: d

6th to the left of the 12th from the right element is *.

Direction (26-30): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:  

Eight persons M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are buying some products one after another but not necessarily in the same order. Only one person is buying between P and R. O is buying just before T. At most two persons are buying products before R. One person is buying between O and P. M is buying just before Q. N is buying before S and after Q.



Q26. How many persons are buying their products after P?

a) None  

b) Two

c) More than three

d) One

e) None of these

Solution: e

Four Persons buying products after P.

Q27. Who among the following is buying just after S?

a) Q  

b) R  

c) N

d) O  

e) None of these

Solution: d

O is buying just after S.

Q28. If all the persons are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right starting from M, then find how many persons remain at the same position (excluding M)?

a) One  

b) None  

c) Two

d) Four  

e) More than Four

Solution: a

One person remains in the same position.

Q29. Who among the following is buying exactly between P and R?

a) Q  

b) N  

c) M

d) T  

e) None of these

Solution: b

N is buying exactly between P and R.

Q30. How many persons are buying between Q and O?

a) Five  

b) Four  

c) Three

d) None  

e) Two

Solution: b

Four persons are buying between Q and O.

Directions (31-34): In each of the questions, relationships between some elements are shown in the statements. These statements are followed by conclusions numbered I and II. Read the statements and give the answer.

a) If only conclusion I follows.

b) If only conclusion II follows.

c) If either conclusion I or II follows.

d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

e) If both conclusions I and II follows.

Q31. Statements:  

M > L ≥ R = K < T = U


I. L > K  

II. K = L  

Solution: d


I. L > K(False)

II. K = L(False)  

If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

Q32. Statements:  

H < D = M ≤ K ≤ Q ≥ R


I. H < Q  

II. M ≤ R

Solution: a


I. H < Q(True)  

II. M ≤ R(False)

If only conclusion I follows.

Q33. Statements:  

S > P = E > B ≥ Z = T ≤ H


I. E > Z

II.S > T

Solution: e


I. E > Z(True)

II.S > T(True)

If both conclusion I and II follows.

Q34.  Statements:

H > F < C < V > E > L = W > R > M

Conclusion :

I. W > C

II. M < E

Solution: b

Conclusion :

I. W > C(False)

II. M < E(True)

If only conclusion II follows.

Q35. How many such numerals are there in the number ‘603254798’ which will remain at the same position when arranged in ascending order from left to right?


a) Three  

b) Two  

c) One

d) Four  

e) None of these 

Solution: b

Two numerals Remain the same.

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