Sapient Interview Experience | Set 5 (On Campus)

1. Heads and tails puzzle.
2. Burning a rope puzzle.(Measure 45 min time)
3. Given a paragraph and a word in it, count how many times the word is present in the para.(program)
4. Thrashing.
5.  Paging.
6.  Acid properties.
7.  tell me all the sorting you know and explain any one sorting. (I did bubble sort)
8. 1 nf,2 nf,3 nf explain
9. write syntax for pointer to a function.
10. questions on hobbies.
11. questions on project.
12. Positives in you that separate you from others.(This time I did not tell grasping power :P)
13. How comfortable are you in learning new technology.
14. Questions on family background.
15. any questions??

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