SAP Labs Internship Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021


SAP Labs is a German-based multinational software corporation. It develops enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations. SAP is the largest non-American software company by revenue, the world’s third-largest publicly traded software company by revenue, and the largest German company by market capitalization. It is the world’s #1 cloud business software company.

SAP Labs visited our campus on 1st September 2021 for the On-Campus Internship Drive.

Eligibility Criteria: 7+ CGPA & more than 60% in 10th and 12th.

Branches: Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics and Telecommunication, Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering

Round 1: Online Test

Online Test was scheduled on 5th Sept, 9:00 am. It was conducted on Talent Central (which is SHL proctored platform). Around 200+ students have registered for the Online Test. The test duration was 45 minutes consisting of two coding questions.

  1. Find the total negative integer from the given array. Similar question This question is of very easy level.
  2. Find the total occurrence of a number in the input array. Similar problem This question is also of very easy level.

I solved both the questions in around 20 mins. There were no MCQs based on CS subjects. I know the coding questions are of a very basic level but while preparing for any company make sure you check the previous year’s questions that were asked by the company. Because SAP Lab usually asked easy to medium level questions during online tests.

Results were announced on 7th Sept, a total of 16 students were shortlisted for the 2nd round i.e. Technical Round.

Round 2: Technical Round 1

Technical Round I was scheduled for 8th Sept, 9:30 am. It was conducted on Microsoft Teams.

Usually, SAP Labs asked questions mainly based on OOPS, DBMS, Low-Level Design using OOP, and Database Design using SQL Queries. But be prepared with all the CS Subjects because you never know what the interviewer will ask you during the interview.

So the round was as below :

  • First, the interviewer introduces himself and then asks me to introduce myself. (Now this is the most important part because what you say here could be cross-questioned by Interviewer.) Make sure you prepare your introduction before the interview.
  • After that, he asked me about the extracurricular activities I have done? As I said the interviewer will ask the counter questions on what you said during your introduction.
  • Then he asked me which language I prefer. I told him I am proficient in C++, but I am also familiar with Python. So he asked if I had done any project on Python? So I told him one of my projects that I have made using Python.
  • After that, he started with technical questions so the question is what is hashing and hash table? First I told him what hashing is and why we use it. And then I told him what a hash function is and how we use it with a hash table.
  • Next, he asked me Where do we use hashing in the OOPS concept? Again the interviewer cross-question on the same hashing concept. This time I didn’t know the answer and I clearly say I don’t know the exact answer but let me try to think where this can be implemented. Then he gave me an example and asked where we are using hashing and which OOPS concept we are using there. This was a hint that he gave me and I came up with the correct answer.
  • After that, he asked me What are virtual functions and pure virtual functions? Explain in detail with an example.
  • Then he asked me, What are the four pillars of OOPS?
  • Then he asked me about one of the four pillars i.e What is polymorphism?
  • After that, he asked me, What are static methods and where can we use them? First I explained to him with definition and then I explained the use of a static method with an example.
  • Next, he asked me, Can we access the method of class without defining the objects? If yes then how?
  • After that, he asked me, Why can’t we use multiple inheritances in Java? This is one of the common questions that was asked in interviews.
  • Explain OOPS in real life? I explained to him with an example and he seemed to be satisfied with it.
  • Then he asked me, What is the difference between process and threading? For this question, I didn’t know the exact answer. I told him whatever I know and he seems satisfied with it.
  • Then he asked me about my projects. I explained to him all the 3 projects that I mentioned in my resume.

Next, he asked me some coding questions so he asked me to share my screen and start VS Code.

  • Find the leftmost node of a binary tree. Similar question This was an easy question. First I explained to him the approach and then he asked me to write pseudo-code.
  • Reverse a linked list. Similar question This was also an easy question. First I explained to him the approach and then he asked me to write code for the reverse function.
  • What is heapify? and write pseudo code for it. First I told him the definition and why we use heapify and then I wrote a pseudo-code for it.

This round lasted for around 45-50 mins. As you can see this round is mostly based on the OOPS concept so make sure whatever answer you give the next question will be asked on what you answer before so think before you answer.

After 30 mins the list of shortlisted students for the next round got announced. A total of 8 students were selected for the next round.

Round 3: Technical Round 2

Technical Round 2 was scheduled for 8th Sept, 11:45 am. It was conducted on Microsoft Teams.

Usually, during interviews, all the interviewer maintains a common spreadsheet where they mention all the concepts that they are going to ask during the whole process. So during all processes, they will ask at least one question from each concept.

  • First, the interviewer introduces himself and then asks me to introduce myself.
  • What is operator overloading and overriding? First I gave him a definition and then I gave him an example explaining the difference between operator overloading and overriding.
  • Then he asked me to make a database for the college system. First I made all the basic tables with all the necessary entities. He told me to include more entities and define the primary key for tables. Then he asked me to remove duplication to reduce storage. So I made some changes to it but I was not able to remove all the duplication. After he gave me some hints I was able to reach the final solution. Then he asked me some SQL queries based on that database.
  • What are recursion and its types with code? I only know three types of recursion and he was satisfied with it
  • Then he asked me about my projects. I explained to him all the 3 projects that I mentioned in my resume.
  • At last, he asked if I had any questions for him. (Make sure you ask at least one question but make sure it is related to Job, work, or company.)

This round lasted for around 30 mins. After 30 mins the list of shortlisted students for the next round got announced. A total of 7 students were selected for the next round.

Round 4: HR Round

HR Round was scheduled for 8th Sept, 3:10 pm. It was conducted on Microsoft Teams.

The HR round is to judge your personality, your strengths, your weaknesses, your capability to handle the role, to check your background, and to understand if you’re the right fit for this job.

  • First, the interviewer introduces himself and then asks me to introduce myself.
  • Then she asked me about my schooling life. So first I started with my primary school life and told her about all the achievements I have made during my schooling year, then I moved to my high school life and told her how I prepare for JEE and MHT CET.
  • Then she asked me, Why do you want to join SAP labs?
  • After that, she asked me about my location preferences. Usually, companies don’t ask you about location preferences.
  • At last, she asked if I had any questions for him. (Make sure you ask at least one question but make sure it is related to Job or company.) I asked her about her work life at SAP Labs.

This round lasted for just 10 mins. This was the last round. After two hours the results were announced and a total of 6 students were selected for Summer Internship. And I was fortunate to be one of them.

Tips :

  • First of all, an Internship doesn’t define who you are as a person. Don’t stress yourself too much. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get selected. There will be many more opportunities.
  • Do not lie on your resume or try to cheat in the interview. Write only those things in your resume which you are confident about.
  • Explain to the interviewer every detail of the code, and keep conversing. Think out loud and let them know your thought process. They might encourage you by saying that you are on the right track.
  • During interviews, keep yourself calm, hydrated, and be confident.
  • Make a document where you can add answers for those questions which you think the interviewer can ask you about your resume. Like your introduction, Descriptions of your projects, Why do you want to join XYZ company, What are your strengths and weaknesses, etc
  • Most of the HR questions didn’t require any preparation but the recollection of your past journey would be a nice option because if you can co-relate the question asked in the interview to the real-life situation which has occurred before, there are decent chances of yours getting selected.
  • Sometimes try giving mock interviews, it will help you to boost your confidence.
  • During interviews always have a smile on your face. Don’t let interviewers think that you are nervous or under stress.
  • Do good research about the company and recruiters. Research the company you are interviewing for thoroughly. Also, if you know your interviewer beforehand then go follow on LinkedIn to know more about their work.
  • Try contacting a senior who works there/ has worked there. Their experiences, preparation, suggestions will help you a lot.
  • Be a good listener and understand what the interviewer is asking rather than taking an interview in your own space where he can’t connect with you and it becomes a turn-off for him.


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