SAP Labs Interview Experience | Set 1 (On-Campus)

Hi, A brief documentation of my SAP Labs, India interview is as follows:

Interview Round 1:
Q1. What is I of ACID properties?

Q2. What is write ahead logging in DBMS?

Q3. What are the deadlock avoidance schemes?

Q4. What is clustering index ?

Q5. There is a program which inserts and deletes node in a sorted singly linked list. There is a bug in one of the modules, how would you debug it?

Q6. What are the ways in which fault tolerance can be ensured in systems? (Different redundancy techniques)

Q7. A pair of redundant systems are operating, how would you ensure that when one of them goes down, the other one will take over its operation ?

Q8. Virtual function in C++.

Interview Round 2:
Q1. Implement the malloc() and free() operations. Give the strategy for implementation, no coding.

Q2. What is structure padding ?

Q4. Explain your project in detail especially your contribution.

HR Round:
Q1. How was the interviews ?

Q2. What is your negative point that you want to improve?

Q3. Would you like to change your domain, if yes why ?

Q4. Tell me an experience of yours in that you didn’t like to do and how you handled it ?

Q5. What are you expecting from the company ?

Q6. Are you comfortable shifting base ?

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