SAP Interview Experience

This blog post is about my SAP interview experience, a journey that helped me understand the recruitment process and gain insights into the company.

I will discuss the various rounds of the interview, the types of questions asked, and my overall experience.

This post aims to help others who are preparing for their SAP interviews and provide them with some valuable advice.

Round 1: Online Coding

  • The first round of my interview was an online coding test. It consisted of two basic questions on arrays, which were more like data structure problems.
  • The purpose of this round was to test my problem-solving skills and understanding of basic programming concepts.
  • It can be easily solved in 45 mins if you have a good hold on coding by solving Dsa problems daily, maximum time given was 75 mins.

Round 2: Technical Interview-1

  • The second round was a technical interview, which started with a self-introduction.
  • The interviewer went through my profile and asked questions about my project, its current scope and future improvements.
  • They asked me to explain the entire OOPS concept using an example of a room and its objects/elements.
  • They also asked me to open a compiler/interpreter in the coding language I was comfortable with and asked me to code a basic sorting algorithm like bubble sort or quick sort without using any inbuilt function.
  • They wanted to know the time complexities and then asked me to implement OOP topics like encapsulation and abstraction in the sorting algorithm I typed to explain sorting.

Round 3: Technical Interview-2

  • It included questions about the basic SDLC cycle, explaining one of them from scratch (i went with Agile as I was comfortable with it)
  • operating system concepts on scheduling and cache
  • Few DBMS questions as I mentioned I had cleared the SQL Advanced test in Hacker Rank Certification
  • A logical question- The logical question asked about a monkey that falls from a well with 30 steps. It climbs up 4 steps and gets down by 3 steps every day. How many days will it take to come up to land/get out of the well?
    (The answer is not 30, but 26 days because on the last day, it climbs up but won’t go down 3 steps; )
  • It also included a few basic coding questions to be executed on a computer using Python as my language of choice.

Final round: Vocational Trainer (VT) Round

  • The VT round, also known as the management trainer round, was the final round of my interview.
  • This interviewer was a little crisp compared to other rounds as she was expecting some particular answer.
  • It was an opportunity for me to discuss my projects and share my thoughts about the company.
  • I was asked about my plans if I didn’t get selected by SAP and about my strengths and weaknesses.

Overall Experience:

  • Despite not making it to the final round, my SAP interview experience was a positive one.
  • The interviewers were supportive and provided hints that led me towards answering when I wasn’t able to answer a question.
  • They made me feel comfortable and confident in my abilities.
  • Every round concluded with 2 minutes of feedback from them as I asked for it.

Advice for Future Candidates:

  • If you are preparing for your SAP interview, remember that it is an opportunity to showcase your skills and learn about the company.
  • Be confident in your answers, and let your confidence be evident on your face.
  • If you don’t feel your interview went well, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback and improvements.
  • Lastly, remember that the SAP Scholar Program is an amazing opportunity to start your career , so don’t be in a dilemma.

Good luck to everyone!

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