Sandvine Interview Experience for Intern+FTE | On-Campus 2021

Sandvine Technologies visited our campus on November 19th, 2021 for both Networking Test Engineer and Networking Software Developer roles. The whole process was virtual since this was done in the Covid era.

Round 1(ONLINE TEST): The test was conducted on Hire Pro platform. The online test consisted of 3 sections. Each were to be done separately, and were even timed separately. We cannot navigate to another section before completing the current section. 

Section 1: The first section consisted of Aptitude questions, 15 questions to be done in 20 minutes.

Section 2: The second section consisted of technical questions related to CS subjects like Operating Systems, Networking, Data Structures and output questions from various languages like C, C++, Java, Perl and Python. 25 questions were to be done in 40 minutes. 

Section 3: The third section was the coding section. Here, we needed to write the code in plain text editor and we can’t execute our code. There were 3 questions in this and to be done in 30 minutes. Questions asked were, 

  1. Given an array of integers of size S, write a function to find if there exists a permutation of the elements in the array such that the difference between every two consecutive numbers in the array is 5.
  2. Related to API calls in C language
  3. Given two linked lists of integers list1 and list2, write a function to find if all nodes of list1 are present in list2. Assume that list1 and list2 are in ascending order.

Out of 39 students, around 10 students were shortlisted for the interview.

Round 2(TECHNICAL): The interview is for around 45 mins and was taken by Senior Engineer of the company with around 9 years of experience with Sandvine. The interview started around 11:30 AM for me.

  • Started the interview with brief Introduction, asked to explain my projects in detailed and asked questions related to projects.
  • Since i have done most of my projects in the domain of Machine Learning, I was asked to explain about Machine learning algos liked Random forest, Linear regression, precision, recall, cost function, Types of evaluation metrics etc.
  • Then i was given a coding question based on Machine learning (as i mentioned in CV) and asked to share the screen, I was given a housing dataset and was asked to find the average cost of houses per sq area grouped by resident type .
  • I gave the logic for the solution and i was asked to code the same. While coding i got confused with the python function syntax in pandas library and the interviewer helped me whenever I got struck.
  • Finally he concluded the interview and asked if i had any questions for him, I asked about my feedback and about the role in Sandvine.

ADVICE: Be thorough with whatever you mention in your resume. As this round in purely based on CV and in depth of Techs mentioned in CV.

After around an hour shortlist for the next and final round were given and 3 out of 10 students were shortlisted for final round. My next round was scheduled at 3:00 PM

Round 3(TECHNICAL – 4 member panel): This round is also for around 45 mins. There were 4 members in the panel and all were working for the Sandvine for around 9-10 years.

  • This round also started with my brief intro and asked to explain my projects in detail. But this time they focused on my current project which I haven’t completed and was based on Deep Learning and Image Processing.
  • Asked about the working of CNN, how i got the dataset, evaluation metrics used, limitations of my project, how can be improved further, discussion on application of Machine Learning in the Insurance, banking sector.

Then I was given some basic coding questions and asked to code by sharing my screen. The questions asked were,

  1. Find the last Nth node in a Linked List.
  2. Given a string , generate hash map with characters and their corresponding counts. Then asked to modify the  hasp map such that keys and values were reversed

One of the panel members then asked about the Computer networking question,

  1. Layers of OSI
  2. How to overcome errors generated in Physical layer
  3. TCP vs UDP in depth.
  4. What is Session layer, and its functionality?
  5. What is flow control?
  6. Error detection methods and functionality.

Before the conclusion, one of the panel member found AWS Cloud Practitioner mentioned in my skills and asked whether i learned out of interest for which I replied yes. He then proceeded to ask questions on AWS,

  1. Compare PaaS, IaaS, SaaS and corresponding examples in AWS.
  2. What is VPC and its uses.
  3. What is EC2, S3?

Finally they were done with the interview and asked if i have any questions for them. Then i asked them what motivated them in Sandvine to work for 10years without changing the organization. At last they wished me all the best and asked to leave the Zoom meeting.

At around 6:30 PM the results were announced and 2 students were selected for Intern+FTE and i was one of them.

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