SanDisk Recruitment Process

  • About the Company
  • Recruitment Process
  • Questions asked in SanDisk
  • Interview Experiences
  • Where To Apply

About the Company:

SanDisk is a manufacturer of flash memory products, including memory cards and readers, USB flash drives, and solid-state drives. As of February 2015, SanDisk is the third-largest manufacturer of flash memory. On May 12, 2016, SanDisk was acquired by hard drive manufacturer Western Digital in a US$19 billion deal.
SanDisk was founded in 1988 by Eli Harari, Sanjay Mehrotra and Jack Yuan, incorporated at the time as SunDisk. It claims:

SanDisk-branded products deliver the peace of mind that data is readily available and reliable, even in the most challenging environments

Know more on SanDisk >>

Recruitment Process:
SanDisk conducts around 3 to 4 rounds to recruit engineers for software development post:

  • Written Test
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • HR Round

Written Test:
This round consists of basic aptitude questions related to Quants and puzzles(around 10), few programming questions(around 10) and few coding questions(around 2). The programming questions are mainly on C, data structure and algorithms.

Technical Round:
This consists of two to three face to face technical interview rounds and questions are asked regarding the facts and points mentioned in the resume. Questions are generally asked from the projects, internships or training mentioned in the CV. Subjects that interest the interviewer mostly are Data Structure, Algorithms, Operating System, Networking, Database Management etc. Students will be tested of his or her in-depth knowledge in all aspects of domains related to Computer Science and his or her interests.
Few asked questions are:

  • What language you like the most and why?
  • What is the difference between a thread and a process?
  • C doesn’t have overriding functions. But, how is that you can add as many args as you want in the function parameters? How does that happen backstage?

HR Round:
This round deals with the HR questions related to your background, past life, events and general questions that test the persons approach towards life and problems.

  • Why do you want to join sandisk?
  • What if any other company offer more than what they offer?
  • Working environment or high salary?

Questions asked in SanDisk:

  1. Allocate memory for a 2D array using malloc
  2. Count the number of occurrences of a substring in the given string without using any built-in functions such as strtok or find etc.
  3. C doesn’t have overriding functions. But, how is that you can add as many args as you want in the function parameters? How does that happen backstage?
  4. Puzzle questions: 2 Eggs and 100 Floors
  5. Avoid structure padding in C

Few Interview Experiences:

Where To Apply:

  • Career at SanDisk
  • Career at WD

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