Sandisk Interview Experience | Set 6 (For Software Development)

Until this moment, I did only 1 round.
First they told me about the company and what they do here.
Then asked about me, and asked me to talk about projects I have done in my degree so far.

Then he started asking me about Operating System stuff: Semaphores, Mutex, Shared memory…
Q1: What is the difference between a thread and a process?
Q2: How to processes talk to each other? How can they access the same memory?
Q3: If you have an interrupt section, that when this interrupt happens, you want to wake up  the thread (only then). How do you do that?
Q4: C doesn’t have overriding functions. But, how is that you can add as many args as you want in the function parameters? How does that happen backstage?
Q5: Implement the insert function in a 2-way linkedlist.
Q6: I was asked to give him an efficient solution for this problem: Find the Missing number.
irst he wanted with < O(n) space Complexity, then with O(1) space complexity. (but of course time efficient).
Then he wanted me to give him an equation of the sum of all numbers from 1 to n. He told me to give him the full solution for it.

Q7:  Then the last question was this puzzle: 2 Eggs and 100 Floors. Which I think was pretty hard to understand during the interview! I don’t know why.

That was it. 1 hour and a half.


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