Samsung R&D Interview Experience Bangalore (On-Campus) 2022

Samsung R&D Institute Bangalore visited our campus in January 2022 for a 6-month internship +Full time Network Software Engineer role

There were a total of 4 rounds: 1 Online Coding Round, 2 Technical F2F rounds, 1 HR round. All of them were elimination rounds.

Online Coding Round: A total of 3 coding questions were given, and the time slot was 90 minutes.  All of them were at a easy to medium level and was held on the Co-Cubes platform. Only the test cases were visible to us. There were hidden test cases which was the most important aspect for shortlisting. Candidates who were able to solve at least 2 out of 3 questions were shortlisted for the next technical round. 

Technical Interview Rounds: After the online assessment test, a total of 46 students were shortlisted from 150 students. The duration of both the tech rounds was 60 minutes each.

Round 1: It was an F2F interview round where we started by introducing each other. He asked me a total of 3 DSA questions which were of Medium-Hard difficulty level. 

1. Find the smallest window in a string containing all characters of another string.

At first, I started with Brute Force Approach and as expected he asked me to optimise it. Then I explained the efficient approach, Sliding Window one. I coded it in under 10 minutes and ran some test cases as asked. He seemed quite satisfied with my answer and then just asked a few basic questions like Time Complexity, length of the parent string, etc. Then we proceeded with the next question. (Click here)

2. Merge Sort

He asked me about my familiarity with Merge Sort. He then gave me to write pseudo code in my editor after I explained the logic. After that, he gave me a follow-up question 3. (Click here)

3. Merge k sorted arrays

I started with the naive approach. Expectedly, he asked me about the min-heap approach. He did not ask me to code after my logic explanation. After the first round around 30 people were shortlisted for the next round. and I was one of them. (Click here)

Round 2: This round started with a brief introduction and then the interviewer opened my resume on his PC and started to ask questions based on CS Fundamentals and projects. He started with OOPS and continued asking DBMS, OS, Computer Network and asked me to explain my projects.

Questions that were asked :

1. He asked me in which language I am comfortable. I said C++. He then asked me the difference between C++ and Java.

2. What is Class and Object?

3. What is Public, Protected, and Private Access Specifier?

4. What are Structured Oriented and Functional Oriented Programming?

5. Difference between C++ and Python. Which of these languages is function-oriented?

6. What is the difference between Threads and Processes?

7. Linux and Windows difference. What are a few commands in Linux OS?

8. Explain the OSI model and what are the layers in the OSI model?

9. What are Joins in DBMS?

10. What is Normalization and its different normal form?

11. What is RDBMS and NRDBMS?

12. What is difference between NoSQL and SQL?

13. What is TCP/UDP?

14. What is the difference between IPv4 and IPv6?

15. How to configure IP address in windows?

      After this, he asked me to brief all the projects and asked me to explain to him anyone project along with code. After I explained my project he said me that we were running out of time and asked me if I have anything to ask. With this, my round 2 was over and was held for around 60-70 minutes. I was shortlisted for HR Round  I don’t exactly remember the number of students that were shortlisted.

HR Round: Next day, was both nervous and excited at the same time. HR joined the meet and asked me if  I am nervous. Then, she started with her introduction and asked me to introduce myself. Then She asked, Why do you want to join SAMSUNG?  and what if you get an offer from any other companies? She said looking in my resume that I was more towards research and Machine Learning, Will I go for higher studies if I get the chance? I said “NO”. In the end, she said to improve in a few areas and asked me If I have anything to ask? I asked her about her personal experience working with SAMSUNG. After this HR round got over.

Verdict: I was among the selected people and got selected for Intern + Full-time offer at SAMSUNG R&D INSTITUTE BANGALORE.


  1. Be confident about your abilities.
  2. Smile and accept that you are not sure about your approach.
  3. Discuss your approach first and always do Dry-Run on Editor.

AuthorRahul Sah , National Institute of Technology Silchar

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