Samsung Interview Experience | On-campus 2019 for Samsung Research Institute, Noida

Round 1: 

1st round of Samsung R&D, Noida was an online round . You have to pass all 50 test cases of the given question in 3 hours.

The question was:

  • Samsung wants to explore some of the rare elements for its semiconductor manufacturing. Scientists use one vehicle to explore the region in order to find the rare elements. The vehicle can move only in explored region where roads have already been constructed. The vehicle cannot move on unexplored region where roads are not there. In the current situation, rare elements are present in explored region only. Unexplored regions do not contain any rare elements.
  • Square region is provided for exploration. Roads are represented by 1 and where roads are not present that area is represented by 0. Rare elements will only be on the roads where regions have already been explored. Vehicle can move in four directions – up, down, left and right.
  • The shortest path for vehicle to a rare element position is called Moving Path. The longest of the paths to all rare elements from a region called Longest Distance.
  • Scientists need to construct one research center so that the research center will be at the position where the longest path to the rare elements will be shortest. This is called Shortest Longest Distance.


  • The region provided will be square region i.e. NxN (where 5 <= N <= 20).
  • There can be minimum of 2 rare elements and maximum of 4 rare elements, i.e. 2 <= C <= 4.
  • Roads are represented by 1 while no road area is represented by 0.
  • Vehicle can move only on roads in explored area.
  • The rare elements will only be present where road are there. Rare elements will not be present where roads are not present.
  • Vehicle can move in UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT directions.
  • The starting index for rare element is considers as 1.


  • First line will be the number of test cases. Second line will indicate region area (N) and number of rare elements (C). Next C lines will contain the position of rare elements. After that N lines will provide the region details where to tell where roads are present and where roads are not present.



  • Output #testcase followed by space and then shortest longest distance.


Solution approach:

  • Using BFS on each cell to find out the longest path among rare elements from the cell. Then find the smallest in these longest paths. That will provide the solution.


I passed 50/50 test cases. 24 students cleared this round.

Round 2:

Round 2 was technical Interview

First of all they started with CV discussion and tried to ask basically what all was written in that CV. They asked about Networking (OSI model), Operating system (Threading, Virtual memory, Semaphores Vs Mutex), Basic Ml algos(because it was mentioned in my CV), Data structures and one logical puzzle question.
Data Structures questions were quite easy, Eg. Reverse a sentence word wise, print your name in c/c++ without using semicolon, Right view of BST.

Round 3:

3rd round was a HR round.

In HR interview they basically asked:
Introduce yourself?
Family background .
What does word ‘Motivation’ mean to you ?
What is ‘Personality’ for you?
Why Samsung ?
My strength and weakness?

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