Salesforce Interview Experience for SE Summer Intern (On Campus) 2022

The Salesforce Campus recruitment team came to hire female students for Software Engineering Summer Intern as a part of their diversity hiring for July 2022.

About 250 students were shortlisted for the HackerRank assessment. The online test consisted of 3 coding questions of medium level. About 15 students were shortlisted for the interview process. I was one of them. The interview process consisted of 3 rounds- 2 technical and 1 HR.

Round 1: In the first round, the Interviewer greeted me and asked me to introduce myself. He provided the link of HackerRank CodePair and asked me three coding questions:

  1. The first question he asked me was based on the topic of arrays. It was similar to this question: He asked me to write the code directly. I was able to write. Then he asked me to write the test cases for this question along with their output. I wrote the corner test cases.
  2. The second question was to find all the permutations of a given string. The question was exactly the same as this question: I was able to answer this.
  3. The third question was based on stacks. He explained the question and first asked me to explain the approach to check whether I know the stacks will be used. The question was similar to this: I explained and then I wrote the code. The code didn’t give the correct output on one test case. I tried to change the code but since there was less time, he stopped me and said it was fine.

At last, he asked me if I had any questions. I was prepared to ask two questions from him; about the company. He was impressed by my questions and he gave the answers. The first round got over.

I got selected for the second round.

Round 2: In the second round, he started by introducing himself and asked me to introduce myself. Then he shifted to core subjects. The first question he asked was based on ACID properties in Database Management System (DBMS). Next, he asked me a few questions about the deadlock in Operating Systems (OS). I wasn’t able to answer all the questions on this subject. Then he asked me the efficient way to internally implement the maps in C++. I explained but it turned out that it wasn’t the approach he was looking for an answer to. Then he gave me a HackerRank CodePair link and gave me a question about binary trees. The question was similar to this: I solved this question partially (about 80%) since I had very little practice with trees. The interviewer tried to give me hints but I couldn’t understand due to panic.

At last, he asked if I had any questions. I asked the questions and the interview got over.

I got the rejection mail shortly after the round ended. I thank w3wiki since, in the first round, I was familiar with every question as I had solved it previously. It was the first company I sat in and as my first interview, it was pretty good. I am still preparing for my upcoming interviews from here. My fear of sitting in interviews nearly vanished after this rejection. I no longer have confidence issues after giving the interview here. I want to say just never stop practicing even after facing rejections. They give a lot of experience and maturity for upcoming opportunities.

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