Rupeek Interview Experience Business Analytics Internship Offcampus

Round- 1: Online Shortlisting

  • In the first round, an online questionnaire was shared which was to be filled. It contained basic details, resume and a few behavioral questions.

Round- 2: Screening Test (Technical MCQs)

  • The second round comprised of 28 MCQ questions including aptitude, logical and technical portions in SQL/Excel. (Test Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes):
  • Quantitative aptitude and Logical part were much more predominant, the questions were more intuitive and not typical paper pen/formula based. They were not very difficult but were very tricky.

Suggestion: I would suggest doing practice from sites like w3wiki, Indiabix, etc. as it will give the confidence to solve problems.

  • The technical aptitude part covered questions from SQL and Excel.

Suggestion: I would suggest doing practice of important SQL questions and the basics of Excel beforehand.

Tips: Solve the questions with a calm mind. Don’t stress yourself during the test because you do get decent amount of time. Don’t spend too much time on any question if you are not able to do it on the first attempt.

Round 3- Interview Round 1 (Virtual Interview: Technical + Problem-solving skills)

This was the first round of interview which was mainly technical.

  • Firstly, I was asked to give my introduction.
  • Next, the interviewer shared a document which contained a table with some columns and data in excel.
  • He asked me to analyze the data and asked me to find some answers related to analyzing it.
  • He also asked me to visually represent a few things and derive a result.
  • Overall, it wasn’t hard but very much based on the fundamentals.

Suggestion: Don’t rush to the solution. Try to explain each and every step to the interviewer.

The last round was Cultural Fitment Interview. Although I couldn’t clear the Technical Interview, it taught me a lot.

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