Ruby | Set + method

The + is an inbuilt method in Ruby that returns a set which contain all the elements of both the sets. The common elements in both the sets appears once. The ‘+’ method acts as union operation.

Syntax: +

Parameters: The function does not takes any parameter.

Return Value: It returns a new set that contains all the elements of both the set.

Example 1:

#Ruby program to illustrate the + method
#requires the set
require "set"
    = Set[1, 2, 4] s2 = Set[1, 2, 3]
#+ method used
    = s1 + s2
#Prints the s3
               puts s3


Set: {1, 2, 4, 3}

Example 2:

#Ruby program to illustrate the + method
#requires the set
require "set"
    = Set[1, 2, 4] s2 = Set[6, 5, 3]
#& method used
    = s1 + s2
#Prints the s3
               puts s3


Set: {1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3}


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