Ruby Float to_d() – BigDecimal method with example

Float to_d() is a float class method which return a BigDecimal representation of the float value

Syntax: float.to_d() 

Parameter: float value as argument precision parameter : number of significant digits for the result 

Return: BigDecimal representation of the float value with a significant number of digits for the result.

Example #1 : 


# Ruby code for to_d() method
require 'bigdecimal'
require 'bigdecimal/util'
# Initializing value
a = 0.767
b = 2999.011
# Printing result
puts "BigDecimal a : #{a.to_d}\n\n"
puts "BigDecimal b : #{b.to_d}\n\n"

Output :

BigDecimal a : 0.767E0

BigDecimal b : 0.2999011E4

Example #2 : 


# Ruby code for to_d() method
require 'bigdecimal'
require 'bigdecimal/util'
# Initializing value
a = 0.767
b = 2999.011
c = 2.0000
# Printing result
puts "BigDecimal a : #{a.to_d(2)}\n\n"
puts "BigDecimal b : #{b.to_d(5)}\n\n"
puts "BigDecimal c : #{c.to_d()}\n\n"

Output :

BigDecimal a : 0.77E0

BigDecimal b : 0.2999E4

BigDecimal c : 0.2E1

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