Ruby | Enumerator each_with_object function

The each_with_object function in Ruby is used to Iterate the given object’s each element.

Syntax: A.each_with_object({})
Here, A is the initialised object.

Parameters: This function does not accept any parameters.

Returns: the new set of values.

Example 1:

# Calling the .each_with_object function on an array object
[:gfg, :Beginner, :geek].each_with_object({}) do |item, hash|
# Converting the array elements into its uppercase
  hash[item] = item.to_s.upcase


{:gfg=>"GFG", :Beginner=>"Beginner", :geek=>"GEEK"}

Example 2:

# Calling the .each_with_object function on a hash
{ foo: 2, bar: 4, jazz: 6 }.each_with_object({}) do 
|(key, value), hash|
# Getting the square of the hash's value
  hash[key] = value**2


{:foo=>4, :bar=>16, :jazz=>36}

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