Rubrik Interview Experience for Front End Developer

Interview Date: July 2, 2023

Interview Round 1: Technical Screening

The first round of my interview process at Rubrik was a technical screening. I had a video call with the hiring manager, who was a senior front-end developer at the company. The purpose of this round was to assess my technical skills and knowledge in front-end development.

The interviewer began by asking about my background and experience in front-end development. He wanted to understand the projects I had worked on and the technologies I had used. I explained my experience in detail, highlighting my expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various frontend frameworks like React and Angular.

The interviewer then proceeded to ask me a series of technical questions to gauge my proficiency. He asked about the differences between CSS Grid and Flexbox, how to optimize website performance, and how I would handle responsive design challenges. I answered the questions to the best of my ability, providing practical examples from my previous projects.

Overall, the technical screening went well. The interviewer seemed satisfied with my answers and acknowledged my knowledge of front-end development concepts. He mentioned that I would move forward to the next round of interviews.

Interview Round 2: Technical Interview

The second round was a technical interview conducted by two front-end developers from the Rubrik team. This interview aimed to assess my coding skills and problem-solving abilities. They presented me with a coding challenge related to building a responsive website layout.

I was given a wireframe and asked to translate it into a working webpage using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I was also required to demonstrate my understanding of responsive design principles by making the layout adapt to different screen sizes. The challenge involved implementing media queries, flexbox, and JavaScript event handling.

I tackled the coding challenge by breaking it down into smaller tasks and explaining my approach to the interviewers. I started by setting up the basic HTML structure and gradually added CSS styles and JavaScript functionality. I paid attention to the responsiveness of the layout and made necessary adjustments using media queries.

Throughout the interview, the front-end developers asked me additional questions to assess my understanding of the code and my problem-solving skills. They also provided feedback and suggestions to enhance the code quality and efficiency.

Interview Round 3: Cultural Fit and Team Collaboration

The final round was more focused on assessing the cultural fit and evaluating how well I would work within the Rubrik team. I had a video call with the hiring manager and a senior front-end developer who was part of the team I would potentially join.

They asked me questions about my previous experiences working in a team, how I handle feedback, and how I collaborate with other developers. They were interested in understanding my communication skills and ability to work in an agile environment.

I shared examples of successful collaborations from my previous roles, highlighting my effective communication, willingness to learn from others, and my ability to adapt to changing project requirements. The interviewers seemed satisfied with my responses and gave me the opportunity to ask questions about the company culture and team dynamics.

After the interview, I felt positive about my interactions with the Rubrik team. The interviewers were professional, friendly, and genuinely interested in my skills and experiences.


I received a follow-up email from Rubrik’s HR department a week later, informing me that they were impressed with my interview performance and would like to extend an offer for the front-end developer role. The email included details about the compensation package and benefits, as well as the next steps for onboarding.

I was thrilled to receive the offer and gladly accepted it. The interview experience at Rubrik was challenging yet rewarding. I was excited to join a dynamic team and contribute to the development of innovative front-end solutions at Rubrik.

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