RT Camp Interview Experience for Web Developer Full Time

The interview process at RT Camp consists of a single round of hiring. There is no written exam for shortlisting candidates; instead, they are selected for the interview based on their resume and GitHub profile.

The interview lasted approximately 75 minutes. The process began with the HR representative asking candidates to introduce themselves and then assigning each person to an interviewer.

The interviewer asked the following questions:

  1. Tell me about Yourself.
  2. Explain the scope of JavaScript Variables (let, const, var).
  3. What are the function types present in JavaScript?
  4. What are the differences between the function types?
  5. What is the use of having these many types of function types?
  6. Why do you use React?
  7. Difference between normal functions and arrow functions? What are the advantages?
  8. Explain the use of the “this” keyword in normal functions as well as arrow functions.
  9. Is JavaScript an interpreting language or a compiling language?
  10. If JavaScript is an interpreting language, then why is React JS a compiling language?
  11. What is Encryption?
  12. What are the Basic Encryptions you know?
  13. What are the keys used for asymmetric encryption?
  14. What is hashing? (in Cryptography)
  15. Do you know about the Version Control System?
  16. Can we use Git without GitHub? Why?
  17. Can we use GitHub without Git? Why?
  18. What are the uses of commit in GitHub?
  19. Do you have any idea about jQuery?
  20. The interviewer shared their screen and asked for the outputs of some JavaScript code (like the scope of variables, the “this” keyword, etc.).
  21. Explain rendering, Class components, and functional components in React JS.
  22. What are the programming languages you are familiar with? Based on the language, the interviewer asked additional questions.
  23. Questions related to network public IP and private IP mapping.
  24. Explain about streaming high-quality videos.
  25. Questions related to Database schema and indexing.
  26. JavaScript, React JS, and Node JS comparison questions.
  27. Questions Related to SEO.
  28. Questions related to PHP sessions and cookies.
  29. Explain about JWT.
  30. Any alternatives to Cookies?
  31. Questions related to the HTTPS protocol.
  32. Questions related to form validation on the client and server side.
  33. Questions related to SQL joins.
  34. Questions related to routers.
  35. Questions related to the .git folder.
  36. Questions related to blob storage databases.
  37. A scenario-based question.
  38. A scenario-based question on “The client made a lawsuit on your website, how will you resolve the issue?”

Overall, it was a good experience. Although the final verdict was a rejection, the candidate was satisfied with the interview process.

This experience can be helpful for many aspiring Beginner. Thank you, and best of luck!

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