RPAD() Function in MySQL

RPAD() function in MySQL is used to pad or add a string to the right side of the original string. 

Syntax : 

RPAD(str, len, padstr)

Parameter : This function accepts three parameter as mentioned above and described below : 

  • str : The actual string which is to be padded. If the length of the original string is larger than the len parameter, this function removes the overfloating characters from string. 


  • len : This is the length of a final string after the right padding. 


  • padstr : String that to be added to the right side of the Original Str. 

Returns : It returns a new string of length len after padding. 

Example-1 : Applying RPAD() Function to a string to get a new padded string. 

SELECT RPAD("w3wiki", 20, "*") AS RightPaddedString;

Output : 



Example-2 : Applying RPAD() Function to a string when the original string is larger than the len parameter. 

SELECT RPAD("w3wiki", 10, "*") AS RightPaddedString;

Output : 



Example-3 : Applying RPAD() Function to a string column in a table : 

Table – Student_Details : 


Student_Id Name Marks
1 Tarun Saha 430
2 Nilima Mondal 425
3 Sanya Jain 450
4 Amit Sharma 460


SELECT RPAD(Name, 15, "#") AS RightPadStudentName
FROM Student_Details;

Output : 


Tarun Saha#####
Nilima Mondal##
Sanya Jain#####
Amit Sharma####


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