Rootquotient Interview Experience for Software Developer (On-Campus) 2023

Total Number of Rounds: 4

Round 1: (MCQ – 20 questions in 1 hour)

Platform: HackerEarth

  • CS core subject topics such as DBMS, OOPS, and also output prediction questions from Java, Python, and C++ are covered under technical aptitude
  • General aptitude covered topics are Profit and loss, Simple Interest, etc…

Round 2: (Coding round – 3 questions in 1 hour)

Platform: HackerEarth

Question 1 (20 points): Given a start and stop number, Find the sum of perfect numbers between these two including start and stop. Perfect number in sense each digit in the number should divide the number as a whole (eg. 12% 2 == 0 && 12 % 1 == 0 Then 12 is a perfect number)

(Note: 0 can’t divide any number)

Question 2 (20 points): Mobile number Branch code.

The parameters passed to the function are the 2D array, Attribute name, and attribute value.


1. We have to find people who match the attribute and value of the attribute given.

(eg. Get details of people with branch code 1120)

2. No two people contain the same Account_number and Mobile_number.

3. Return the details in sorted order based on the account number

Question 3 (50 points): Given a number n (positive integer).We have to shoot the alternate number from 1 to n from first and sum up them. Then again continue the above step with remaining left-out numbers until the single number is left out. return the sum

Round 3: (Technical Round – 45 mins)

Platform: Microsoft Teams

  • Brief introduction
  • Questions based on projects
  • Technical questions from OOPS concepts (java)

Coding question: Find the maximum number in each subarray of size k

Round 4: (General HR – 30 mins)

Platform: Microsoft teams

  • Brief introduction
  • Questions based on projects
  • General questions such as hobbies
  • What is your biggest achievement in life?
  • Explained the job role

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