Role of Government in Reducing Poverty

The poverty reduction approach has basically two sides. First of all, efforts are being made to increase the opportunities for the disadvantaged to participate in the development process by focusing on areas that clearly offer these opportunities. In addition, special projects for the weakest sectors of society have strengthened and rebuilt poverty reduction programs and social spaces. 

Poverty Alleviation Measures by Government

Five-year plan

April 1951, the first five-year plan was launched. Since then, eleven plans have been drawn up and implemented. The main purpose of a large number of plans is to raise the standard of living of the people and give them the opportunity to lead a more lavish and diverse life. Social goals are on the one hand to reduce the gap between rich and poor, and on the other hand, to increase support for local communities. 

Nationalization strategy

Public authorities have adopted the nationalization strategy to achieve the goal of an “exemplary communist society”, one of the goals of the financial approach. As a result, many banks were nationalized in 1969. In 1972, coal mines were also nationalized as a result of this strategy. Later, this tactic was applied in many additional areas. 

20-point plan

The then prime minister, Indira Gandhi, submitted a 20-point plan for promotion under her motto, Garibi Hatao (1971). The Coordinated Rural Development Program (PDRI) is an austerity program that was launched in March 1976. Its main goal is to enable selected families to cross the poverty line. 

Antyodaya Yojana

The then government of Rajasthan started the Antyodaya Yojana program on 2 October 1977, and later in 1980 the governments of Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh also adopted this improved model. The main objective of this program is to create opportunities for the poorest and least fortunate. Antyodaya refers to the progression (Udaya) of those at the bottom of the ladder (subterranean insects). 

Training rural youth for self-employment

Providing specialized skills to rural youth aged 18 to 25 years living below the poverty line was part of a plan launched in August 1979. This will help them find jobs in the agricultural and industrial sectors. , administration and commercial activities. 

National Rural Employment Program

This program was launched in April 1977 to develop business opportunities in rural areas. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana has now integrated this program. April 1980 saw the release of this program. This incorporates past NREP and RLEGP work plans. Under this program, one member of each disadvantaged family will receive a job 50 to 100 days a year at the workplace near their home. About 30% of the work in this scheme is done by women. 

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Mechanism

This strategy started in February 2006. It was initially used only in the 100 most reversible places as a test premise. Then the whole country of India received it in September 2007. Providing rural people with paid employment is the main objective of this strategy.  This plan has received numerous amendments from the current UPA administration. Sadly, the Auditor General and Auditor General’s report of India reveals that like all the rest of the government’s schemes, it is also being thwarted by corruption and errors. 

By Accelerating Financial Development

The government has tried to devise various methods to accelerate monetary development. With various development initiatives, they actually predict that the number of the poor will exceed the threshold of need. Although there have been efforts to speed up the development of money, they have failed because they have tried to imitate the progress of Western countries in increasing capital. Our country is moving faster in the direction of accelerated financial development. As a result, money and financial related decisions were made, which motivated people to use serious work-related methods. 

Through rural development and poverty alleviation

The development of agriculture is one of the main factors that can contribute to reducing demand. Reports from the Montek Ahluwalia committee, which includes a former member of the Planning Commission, make it clear that poverty and agricultural development are mutually exclusive. As rural development increases, the proportion of the population living in poverty decreases, which acts as poverty alleviation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What is the primary methodology for destitution easing in India?


The Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) operationalized from 1999-2000 is a significant plan for the development of houses for the horribly helpless cost. The Ministry of Rural Development (MORD) gives value backing to the Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) for this reason.

Question 2: What are three poverty alleviation Programmes?


These incorporate, Operation Feed the Nation, Green Revolution, Better Life for Rural Women, and Family Economic Advancement Program.

Question 3: What is the poverty mitigation model?


Destitution easing is joined by various positive social effects. These incorporate superior admittance to food (that outcomes in higher dietary and wellbeing levels), further developed admittance to training (because of higher pay levels and capacity to pay for expenses and supplies), and further developed work open doors.

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