Robert Bosch Interview Experience 2019 | RBEI On-Campus

20 days before the actual proceeding of the RBEI interview process on campus, we were informed about the Bosch visiting our college for campus drive through e-mail.

For CSE students the position that was proposed was “Associate Software Engineer”

Company Visited our College G.L Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Greater Noida on 5th August 2019

Round 1: For round 1 there will be 3 parts(on HirePro Platform)

  • 35 Questions (DS, OS, DBMS, Microprocessor & Controller, CN, C++/C pseudo code, OOPS etc) Difficulty Level – Medium – High, Time 35 min, 0.25 negative marking
  • 25 Questions (Quants, Logical Reasoning, Verbal reasoning) Difficulty Level – Low – Medium, Time-25 mins, 0.25 negative marking
  • 2 Coding question, Basic Problem Solving Question. Difficulty Level – Low, Time – 30 mins

Round 2: After clearing 1st round (approx 130 students qualified out of 370). Now, its time for Technical Interview Round, Here For CSE students you should learn and prepare for 3 previous year main subjects like DBMS, OS, CN, Web Technologies etc. Also prepare and revise your Project work thoroughly. There is chance for 2-3 basic puzzle questions. You may ask to write basic logic from DS and Algo.  At last they will ask for any queries, and this is the critical time where you can win whole game at once. Definitely ask question and it should be relevant. SOME TIMES YOU CAN FINISH OF WITH A STYLE.

Round 3: Final round is of HR. HR interviewer will be very kind & generous. They may or may not start with the traditional way of introduction, because they will have a feedback from the Technical desk.

Questions will not be much twisted. Always keep a little smile on your face, be confident. Answer all questions passionately. Also AGAIN ASK RELEVANT QUESTION here.

For developing question just read the wiki of the Robert Bosch & for any other study material, w3wiki is more than enough.

Final Results will be mailed you on the same day or next

Good Luck,

Yash (CSE, GLBAJAJ, 2016-2020)

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