Ripple vs Stellar

Ripple is actually a payment network that is based on blockchain, it is RTGS means a real-time gross settlement system that is centralized. It was formed by Ryan Fugger in 2004 with the purpose of creating a digital payment system in which he can create his own money to be used among a network of trustworthy nodes.

Stellar is a blockchain consensus protocol and distributed network having open membership means each and everyone can become a participant of this network and it does not require any special permission from its participants. To become a participant one can perform mining or can save the state of blockchain or can perform any other simple task for contributing to the blockchain network.

Following is a table of differences between Ripple and Stellar:




1. Ripple is a permissioned and centralized payment network. Stellar is a permissionless/open blockchain platform.  
2. It uses XRP as its cryptocurrency. It uses lumen as its cryptocurrency for trading.
3. Ripple was established by Ripple Labs in 2012. Stellar was established by Stellar Development Foundation in 2014.
4. Ripple uses Ripple Consensus Algorithm for agreement among nodes. Stellar uses Federated Byzantine Agreement for consensus.
5. Ripple is a profit-making organization.  Stellar is a non-profit making organization.
6. Ripple has a fixed supply of 100 billion XRP. Stellar has inflation of 1 percent. The governance annually.
7. Governance model of ripple is centralized in nature so it is prone to censorship. Governance of stellar is decentralized so it is free from censorship.
8. Partners of ripple are Kotak, Axis Bank etc. Partners of stellar are AnchorUSD, Smrtlands, Wrex etc

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